- Peyman GA, Spitznas M, Straatsma BR: Peroxidase diffusion in the normal and photocoagulated retina. Invest Ophthalmol 10:181-189, 1971.
- Peyman GA, Spitznas M, Straatsma BR: Chorioretinal diffusion of peroxidase before and after photocoagulation. Invest Ophthalmol 10:489-495, 1971.
- Peyman GA, Dodich NA: Experimental vitrectomy: Instrumentation and surgical technique. Arch Ophthalmol 86:548-551, 1971.
- Peyman GA, Spitznas M, Straatsma BR, Foos RY: Clinical implications of peroxidase diffusion in vitreous and retina. In Bellows JG (ed): Contemporary Ophthalmology: Honoring Sir Stewart Duke-Elder, Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, 1972, pp 318-24.
- Peyman GA, Bok D: Peroxidase diffusion in the normal and laser-coagulated primate retina. Invest Ophthalmol 11:35-45, 1972.
- Peyman GA, Dodich NA: Full thickness eye wall resection. An experimental approach for treatment of choroidal melanoma. I. Dacron-graft. Invest Ophthalmol 11:115-121, 1972.
- Peyman GA, Dodich NA: Experimental intraocular coagulation. Ophthalmic Surg 3:32-37, 1972.
- Peyman GA, Ericson ES, May DR: Slit illumination system and contact lens support ring for use with operating microscope. Ophthalmic Surg 3:29-31, 1972.
- Peyman GA, May DR, Ericson ES: Techniques of vitreous removal. Surv Ophthalmol 17:29-40, 1972.
- Peyman GA, Ericson ES, May DR: A review of substances and techniques of vitreous replacement. Surv Ophthalmol 17:41-51, 1972.
- Peyman GA, May DR, Ericson ES, Goldberg MF: Full thickness eyewall resection: An experimental approach for treatment of choroidal melanoma. II. Homo- and heterograft. Invest Ophthalmol 11:668-674, 1972.
- Peyman GA, Apple D: Peroxidase diffusion in the optic nerve. Arch Ophthalmol 88:650-654, 1972.
- Peyman GA: Vitrectomy. In Hughes WF (ed): Year Book of Ophthalmology, 1973. Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers, 1973, pp 231-233.
- Peyman GA, Axelrod AJ, Ericson ES, May DR, Goldberg MF: Full thickness eye wall resection in various species: An experimental approach in treatment of choroidal melanoma. Albrecht von Graefes Arch Klin Exp Ophthalmol 186:157-164, 1973.
- Peyman GA, Ericson ES, May DR: Micromanipulator arc system for intravitreal surgery. Am J Ophthalmol 75:706-709, 1973.
- Peyman GA, Nelsen PT, Axelrod AJ, Graham RO, Daily MJ: Full thickness eye wall resection: Evaluation of preoperative photocoagulation. Invest Ophthalmol 12:262-266, 1973.
- Peyman GA, Daily MJ, Ericson ES: Experimental vitrectomy: New technical aspects. Am J Ophthalmol 75:774-778, 1973.
- Peyman GA, Ericson ES, Axelrod AJ, May DR: Full-thickness eye wall resection in primates: An experimental approach for treatment of choroidal melanoma. Arch Ophthalmol 89:410-412, 1973.
- Daily MJ, Peyman GA, Fishman G: Intravitreal injection of methicillin for treatment of endophthalmitis. Am J Ophthalmol 76:343-350, 1973.
- Vygantas CM, Peyman GA, Daily MJ, Ericson ES: Octafluorocyclobutane and other gases for vitreous replacement. Arch Ophthalmol 90:235-236, 1973.
- Axelrod AJ, Peyman GA, Apple DJ: Toxicity of intravitreal injection of amphotericin B. Am J Ophthalmol 76:578-583, 1973.
- Axelrod AJ, Peyman GA: Intravitreal amphotericin B treatment of experimental fungal endophthalmitis. Am J Ophthalmol 76:584-588, 1973.
- Peyman GA, Goldberg MF: Surgical treatment of vitreous hemorrhage. In Lynn Jr, et al (eds): Diabetic Retinopathy. New York, Grune and Stratton, 1974.
- Peyman GA, Axelrod AJ, Graham RO: Full-thickness eye wall resection. An experimental approach for treatment of choroidal melanoma: Evaluation of cryotherapy, diathermy and photocoagulation. Arch Ophthalmol 91:219-222, 1974.
- Peyman GA, Axelrod AJ, Ericson ES, May DR, Goldberg MF: Full thickness eye wall resection in various species. Mod Prob Ophthalmol 12:556-561, 1974.
- Peyman GA, Urban J: A new operating microscope for extraocular and intraocular surgery. Am J Ophthalmol 77:525-528, 1974.
- Schenk AG, Peyman GA, Paque JT: The intravitreal use of carbenicillin (Geopen) for treatment of Pseudomonas endophthalmitis. Acta Ophthalmol 52:707-717, 1974.
- Sanders DR, Peyman GA: Studies on intravitreal blood vessels. I. A new experimental model. Invest Ophthalmol 13:362-368, 1974.
- Peyman GA, Koziol JE, Sanders DR, Vlchek JK: Studies on intravitreal blood vessels. III. Effectiveness of intraocular diathermy on blood vessel closures: A comparison with argon laser. Invest Ophthalmol 13:369-376, 1974.
- Peyman GA, Herbst R: Bacterial endophthalmitis: Treatment with intraocular injection of gentamicin and dexamethasone. Arch Ophthalmol 91:416-418, 1974.
- Peyman GA, Koziol JE, Sanders DR, Vlchek JK: Studies on intravitreal blood vessels. II. Effectiveness of xenon arc and argon laser photocoagulation in blood vessel closure. Invest Ophthalmol 13:441-454, 1974.
- May DR, Ericson ES, Peyman GA, Axelrod AJ: Intraocular injection of gentamicin: Single injection therapy of experimental bacterial endophthalmitis. Arch Ophthalmol 91:487-489, 1974.
- Schenk AG, Peyman GA: Lincomycin by direct intravitreal injection in the treatment of experimental bacterial endophthalmitis. Albrecht von Graefes Arch Klin Exp Ophthalmol 190:281-291, 1974.
- Bennett TO, Peyman GA: Use of tobramycin in eradicating experimental bacterial endophthalmitis. Albrecht von Graefes Arch Klin Exp Ophthalmol 191:93-107, 1974.
- Peyman GA, Nelsen P, Bennett TO: Intravitreal injection of kanamycin in experimentally induced endophthalmitis. Can J Ophthalmol 9:322-327, 1974.
- Nelsen P, Peyman GA, Bennett TO: BB-K8: A new aminoglycoside for intravitreal injection in bacterial endophthalmitis. Am J Ophthalmol 78:82-89, 1974.
- Koziol J, Peyman G: Intraocular chloramphenicol and bacterial endophthalmitis. Can J Ophthalmol 9:316-321, 1974.
- Peyman GA, Koziol JE: Limitation of eye wall resection. Can J Ophthalmol 9:328-337, 1974.
- Peyman GA, May DR, Ericson ES, Apple D: Intraocular injection of gentamicin: Toxic effects and clearance. Arch Ophthalmol 92:42-47, 1974.
- Graham RO, Peyman GA: Intravitreal injection of dexamethasone: Treatment of experimentally induced endophthalmitis. Arch Ophthalmol 92:149-154, 1974.
- Peyman GA, Apple DJ: Local excision of choroidal malignant melanoma: Full thickness eye wall resection. Arch Ophthalmol 92:216-218, 1974.
- Paque JT, Peyman GA: Intravitreal clindamycin phosphate in the treatment of vitreous infection. Ophthalmic Surg 5:34-39, 1974.
- Peyman GA, May DR, Ericson ES: An experimental “aqueous shunt” for the regulation of intraocular pressure. Can J Ophthalmol 9:463-467, 1974.
- Brubaker S, Peyman GA, Vygantas C: Toxicity of octafluorocyclobutane after intracameral injection. Arch Ophthalmol 92:324-328, 1974.
- Bennett TO, Peyman GA: Toxicity of intravitreal aminoglycosides in primates. Can J Ophthalmol 9:475-478, 1974.
- Vlchek JK, Peyman GA: An ultrastructural study of chorioretinal adhesion produced by intraocular electrocoagulation. Am J Ophthalmol 78:598-605, 1974.
- Peyman GA, Wyhinny GJ, Goldberg MF: Optical radiation and Zeiss short-pulsed xenon photocoagulators: I. Clinical considerations of articulation with the Fankhauser slit-lamp delivery system. Arch Ophthalmol 92:341-347, 1974.
- Peyman GA, Vastine DW, Crouch ER, Herbst RW Jr: Clinical use of intravitreal antibiotics to treat bacterial endophthalmitis. Trans Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 78:0P862-875, 1974.
- Peyman GA, Diamond JG, Axelrod AJ: Sclero-chorio-retinal (SCR) resection in humans. Ann Ophthalmol 6:1347-1352, 1974.
- Peyman GA, Vlchek JK, Seth NV: Chorioretinal diffusion processes following pigment epithelial degeneration. Invest Ophthalmol 14:58-62, 1975.
- Graham RO, Peyman GA, Fishman G: Intravitreal injection of cephaloridine in the treatment of endophthalmitis. Arch Ophthalmol 93:56-61, 1975.
- Peyman GA, Bennett TO, Vlchek J: Effects of intravitreal prostaglandins on retinal vasculature. Ann Ophthalmol 7:279-288, 1975.
- Peyman GA, Huamonte F: A disposable vitrectomy instrument: The Vitrophage. Can J Ophthalmol 10:281-285, 1975.
- Bennett TO, Peyman GA, Vlchek JK: Intravitreal injection of autologous blood in primates. Can J Ophthalmol 10:248-254, 1975.
- Peyman GA, Namperumalsamy P, Vygantas C: Clinical trial of intravitreal C4F8 in retinal detachment surgery. Can J Ophthalmol 10:218-221, 1975.
- Crouch ER Jr, Peyman GA: Prevention of corneal opacification in open sky vitrectomy. Part I. An in vitro study. Ann Ophthalmol 7:713-718, 1975.
- Peyman GA, Paque JT, Meisels HI, Bennett TO: Postoperative endophthalmitis: A comparison of methods for treatment and prophylaxis with gentamicin. Ophthalmic Surg 6:45-55, 1975.
- Peyman GA, Sanders DR: Transillumination ophthalmoscopy. I: Instrumentation and technique. Ophthalmic Surg 6:15-16, 1975.
- Peyman GA, Meisels HI, Batko KA, Vlchek JK: Full thickness eye wall biopsy. I. An experimental approach to the tissue diagnosis and study of choroidal and retinal lesions. Invest Ophthalmol 14:484-487, 1975.
- Tessler HH, Peyman GA, Huamonte F, Menachof I: Argon laser iridotomy in incomplete peripheral iridectomy. Am J Ophthalmol 79:1051-1052, 1975.
- Homer P, Peyman GA, Koziol J, Sanders DR: Intravitreal injection of vancomycin in experimental staphylococcal endophthalmitis. Acta Ophthalmol 53:311-320, 1975.
- Bennett TO, Peyman GA, Tissot R, Cohen C: Histocompatibility matching in poor-prognosis penetrating keratoplasty. Acta Ophthalmol 53:403-417, 1975.
- Peyman GA, Homer P, Rose M, Sanders DR, Vastine D: The vitrophage in ocular trauma: Report of 15 cases. Acta Ophthalmol 53:427-435, 1975.
- Peyman GA, Swartz M: Management of dense secondary membranes with the vitrophage. Albrecht von Graefes Arch Klin Exp Ophthalmol 195:155-159, 1975.
- Peyman GA, Batko KA, Meisels HI, Vlchek JK, Sanders DR: Mechanical excision and removal of intravitreal vessels. I. In animals. Can J Ophthalmol 10:403-407, 1975.
- Peyman GA, Diamond JG: The vitrophage in ocular reconstruction following trauma. Can J Ophthalmol 10:419-422, 1975.
- Peyman GA, Ericson ES, May DR: Hand rest for ocular surgery. Can J Ophthalmol 10:433, 1975.
- Peyman GA, Huamonte F, Goldberg MF: Management of cataract in patients undergoing vitrectomy. Am J Ophthalmol 80:30-36, 1975.
- Peyman GA, Homer P, Kasbeer R, Vlchek J: Full thickness eye wall biopsy. II. In primates. Invest Ophthalmol 14:565-567, 1975.
- Vlchek JK, Peyman GA: Cephaloridine-induced retinopathy by intravitreal injection. An ultrastructural study. Ann Ophthalmol 7:903-914, 1975.
- Peyman GA, Vygantas CM, Bennett TO, Vygantas AM, Brubaker S: Octafluorocyclobutane in vitreous and aqueous humor replacement. Arch Ophthalmol 93:514-517, 1975.
- Kasbeer RT, Peyman GA, May DR, Homer P: Penetration of amikacin into the aphakic eye. Albrecht von Graefes Arch Klin Exp Ophthalmol 196:85-94, 1975.
- Weinberg RS, Peyman GA, Apple DJ: Histopathology after vitrectomy with the vitrophage. Albrecht von Graefes Arch Klin Exp Ophthalmol 196:133-142, 1975.
- Koziol J, Peyman GA, Sanders DR, Vlchek J, Goldberg MF: Urokinase in experimental vitreous hemorrhage. Ophthalmic Surg 6:79-82, 1975.
- Kasbeer RT, Peyman GA: Intravitreal oxacillin in experimental staphylococcal endophthalmitis. Albrecht von Graefes Arch Klin Exp Ophthalmol 196:279-287, 1975.
- Peyman GA, Fishman GA, Sanders DR, Apple DJ, Vlchek JK: Biopsy of human scleral-chorioretinal tissue. Invest Ophthalmol 14:707-710, 1975.
- Peyman GA, Huamonte FU: Vitreous scissors and forceps. Am J Ophthalmol 80:767, 1975.
- Peyman GA, Vastine DW, Diamond JG: Vitrectomy and intraocular gentamicin management of Herellea endophthalmitis after incomplete phacoemulsification. Am J Ophthalmol 80:764-765, 1975.
- Peyman GA, Vastine DW, Diamond JG: Vitrectomy in exogenous Candida endophthalmitis. Albrecht von Graefes Arch Klin Exp Ophthalmol 197:55-59, 1975.
- Peyman GA, Vastine DW, Meisels HI: The experimental and clinical use of intravitreal antibiotics to treat bacterial and fungal endophthalmitis. Doc Ophthalmol 39:183-201, 1975.
- Sanders DR, Peyman GA, Fishman G, Vlchek J, Korey M: The toxicity of intravitreal whole blood and hemoglobin. Albrecht von Graefes Arch Klin Exp Ophthalmol 197:255-267, 1975.
- Peyman GA: Full thickness eye wall resection of choroidal tumors. Trans Argentinean Ophthalmol Soc, 1975.
- Peyman GA, Huamonte FU, Rose M: Management of traumatic retinal detachment with pars plana vitrectomy, scleral buckling and gas injection. Acta Ophthalmol 53:731-737, 1975.
- Peyman GA: Prevention of corneal opacification in open sky surgery. In Irvine AR, O’Malley C (eds): Advances in Vitreous Surgery. Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas, 1976, pp 142-149.
- Peyman GA: The vitrophage. In Irvine AR, O’Malley C (eds): Advances in Vitreous Surgery. Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas, 1976, pp 258-264.
- Peyman GA: Micromanipulators for intraocular surgery. In Irvine AR, O’Malley C (eds): Advances in Vitreous Surgery, Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas, 1976, pp 373-379.
- Peyman GA: Slit lamp operating microscope. In Irvine AR, O’Malley C (eds): Advances in Vitreous Surgery. Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas, 1976, pp 390-395.
- Peyman GA, Sanders D: Intraocular diathermy. In Irvine AR, O’Malley C (eds): Advances in Vitreous Surgery. Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas, 1976, pp 436-447.
- Peyman GA, Goldberg MF, Ericson ES: Uveal biopsy. In Duane TD (ed): Clinical Ophthalmology. Vol. 4. Hagerstown, MD, Harper and Row, 1976, pp 1-8.
- Peyman GA, Huamonte FU, Goldberg MF: Clinical experiences with the vitrophage. In Gitter K (ed): Current Concepts of the Vitreous: Including Vitrectomy. St. Louis, CV Mosby, 1976, pp 227-235.
- Peyman GA: Improved vitrectomy illumination system. Am J Ophthalmol 81:99-100, 1976.
- Peyman GA, Huamonte FU, Goldberg MF: One hundred consecutive pars plana vitrectomies using the vitrophage. Am J Ophthalmol 81:263-271, 1976.
- May DR, Peyman GA: Endophthalmitis after vitrectomy. Am J Ophthalmol 81:520-521, 1976.
- Stainer GA, Peyman GA, Berkowitz R, Tessler HH: Intraocular lysozyme in experimental uveitis in rabbits. Aqueous and vitreous assay. Invest Ophthalmol 15:312-315, 1976.
- Peyman GA, Rose M, Sanders DR: Intravitreal antibiotic injection and vitrectomy in acute bacterial endophthalmitis. Can J Ophthalmol 11:188-190, 1976.
- Peyman GA and Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group: Preliminary report on effects of photocoagulation therapy. Am J Ophthalmol 81:383-396, 1976.
- Swartz M, Goldberg MF, Peyman GA: Surgical repair of a traumatized shrunken eye. Ophthalmic Surg 7:49-52, 1976.
- Huamonte FU, Peyman GA, Goldberg MF, Locketz A: Immediate fundus complications after retinal scatter photocoagulation. I. Clinical picture and pathogenesis. Ophthalmic Surg 7:88-99, 1976.
- Peyman GA, Huamonte FU, Goldberg MF: Vitrectomy treatment of vitreous opacities. Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 81:0P394-398, 1976.
- Peyman GA, Huamonte FU, Locketz A, Goldberg MF: Fluorescein angiography of the fundus after pars plana vitrectomy. Ann Ophthalmol 8:791-797, 1976.
- Meisels HI, Peyman GA: Intravitreal erythromycin in the treatment of induced staphylococcal endophthalmitis. Ann Ophthalmol 8:939-943, 1976.
- Weinberg RS, Peyman GA, Huamonte FU: Elevation of intraocular pressure after pars plana vitrectomy. Albrecht von Graefes Arch Klin Exp Ophthalmol 200:157-161, 1976.
- Peyman GA, Huamonte FU, Nagpal K, Sanders DR: Fifty consecutive eyes with anterior segment disease treated by the pars plana approach. Ophthalmic Surg 7:78-82, 1976.
- Peyman GA: Wide-angle cutter vitrophage. Ophthalmic Surg 7:96-97, 1976.
- Peyman GA, Raichand M, Huamonte FU, Nagpal KC, Goldberg MF, Sanders DR: Vitrectomy in 125 eyes with diabetic vitreous haemorrhage. Br J Ophthalmol 60:752-755, 1976.
- Peyman GA, Sanders DR, Nagpal KC: Management of persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous by pars plana vitrectomy. Br J Ophthalmol 60:756-758, 1976.
- Goldbaum MH, Peyman GA, Nagpal KC, Goldberg MF, Asdourian GK: Vitrectomy in sickling retinopathy. Report of five cases. Ophthalmic Surg 7:92-102, 1976.
- Spence DJ, Peyman GA: A new technique for the vital staining of corneal endothelium. Invest Ophthalmol 15:1000-1002, 1976.
- May DR, Klein ML, Peyman GA: A prospective study of xenon arc photocoagulation for central retinal vein occlusion. Br J Ophthalmol 60:816-818, 1976.
- Peyman GA: Antibiotic administration in the treatment of bacterial endophthalmitis. II. Intravitreal injections. Surv Ophthalmol 21:332; 339-346, 1977.
- Frenkel M, Rutgard J, Stankevych A, Peyman G: Immunotherapeutic considerations in experimental ocular tumors.In Peyman GA, Apple DJ, Sanders DR (eds): Intraocular Tumors. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1977, pp 113-117.
- Peyman GA, Sanders DR, May DR: Local excision of malignant melanoma of the choroid. In Peyman GA, Apple DJ, Sanders DR (eds): Intraocular Tumors. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1977, pp 167-188.
- Peyman GA, Sanders DR: Treatment of mass lesions of the iris and ciliary body: Iridectomy and iridocyclectomy. In Peyman GA, Apple DJ, Sanders DR (eds): Intraocular Tumors. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1977, pp 189-197.
- Peyman GA, Sanders DR, Fishman G: Toxicity of intravitreal whole blood and hemoglobin and other findings related to vitreous hemorrhage. In McPherson A (ed): New and Controversial Aspects of Vitreoretinal Surgery. St. Louis, CV Mosby, 1977, pp 38-48.
- Peyman GA: The vitrophage. A disposable vitrectomy instrument and the lens fragmentor for pars plana lensectomy. In McPherson A (ed): New and Controversial Aspects of Vitreoretinal Surgery. St. Louis, CV Mosby, 1977, pp 169-175.
- Peyman GA, Puklin J, Sanders DR: Excision of intravitreal fibrovascular stalks: Experimental and clinical data. In McPherson A (ed): New and Controversial Aspects of Vitreoretinal Surgery. St. Louis, CV Mosby, 1977, pp 337-350.
- Peyman GA, Huamonte FU, Goldberg MF: Fluorescein angiography of the vitrectomized eye. In McPherson A (ed): New and Controversial Aspects of Vitreoretinal Surgery. St. Louis, CV Mosby, 1977, pp 415-424.
- Peyman, GA: Illumination system for vitrectomy. In Freeman HM, et al (eds): Vitreous Surgery and Advances in Fundus Diagnosis and Treatment: Vitreoretinal Congress, Boston, 1975. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1977, pp 153-157.
- Peyman GA: The vitrophage. In Freeman HM, et al (eds): Vitreous Surgery and Advances in Fundus Diagnosis and Treatment: Vitreoretinal Congress, Boston, 1975. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1977, pp 217-220.
- Peyman GA, Huamonte FU, Rose M: Management of traumatic retinal detachment with pars plana vitrectomy, scleral buckling, and gas injection. In Freeman HM, et al (eds): Vitreous Surgery and Advances in Fundus Diagnosis and Treatment: Vitreoretinal Congress, Boston, 1975. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1977, pp 329-333.
- Peyman GA, Batko KA, Meisels HI, Vlchek JK: Cryocoagulation of retinal vessels: An experimental model of intravascular coagulation. Ann Ophthalmol 9:209-224, 1977.
- Bennett TO, Peyman GA: Histocompatibility matching in poor prognosis combined procedure keratoplasty. Ophthalmic Surg 8:42-48, 1977.
- Peyman GA, Spence DJ: Vital staining of the corneal endothelium with the Rose Bengal and Alizarin Red S. Albrecht von Graefes Arch Klin Exp Ophthalmol 201:257-261, 1977.
- Peyman GA, Sathar ML, May DR: Intraocular gentamicin as intraoperative prophylaxis in South India eye camps. Br J Ophthalmol 61:260-262, 1977.
- Peyman GA, Koziol J: Intraocular lens fixation with Dacron mesh. Part I. Ophthalmic Surg 8:58-64, 1977.
- Peyman GA, Fishman GA, Sanders DR, Vlchek JK: Histopathology of Goldmann-Favre syndrome obtained by full-thickness eye-wall biopsy. Ann Ophthalmol 9:479-484, 1977.
- Oesterle CS, Kronenberg HA, Peyman GA: Endophthalmitis caused by an Erwinia species. Arch Ophthalmol 95:824-825, 1977.
- Stainer GA, Peyman GA, Meisels H, Fishman G: Toxicity of selected antibiotics in vitreous replacement fluid. Ann Ophthalmol 9:615-618, 1977.
- Peyman GA, Sanders DR, Rose M, Korey M: Vitrophage in management of congenital cataracts. Albrecht von Graefes Arch Klin Exp Ophthalmol 202:305-308, 1977.
- Peyman GA, May DR, Homer PI, Kasbeer RT: Penetration of gentamicin into the aphakic eye. Ann Ophthalmol 7:871-880, 1977.
- McEnerney JK, Peyman GA: Simplification of glutathione-bicarbonate-Ringer solution: Its effect on corneal thickness. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 16:657-660, 1977.
- Huang K, Peyman GA, McGetrick J, Janevicius R: Indomethacin inhibition of prostaglandin-mediated inflammation following intraocular surgery. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 16:760-762, 1977.
- Peyman GA, Koziol J, Janevicius R: Intraocular lens fixation with Dacron mesh. Part II. Ophthalmic Surg 8:87-93, 1977.
- Peyman GA, Stainer GA, Asdourian G, Sicher S: Corneal thickness after vitrectomy and infusion with dextran solution. Ann Ophthalmol 9:1241-1244, 1977.
- Peyman GA, Sanders DR: Management of vitreous loss during cataract surgery. Ophthalmic Surg 8:40-41, 1977.
- Sanders DR, Peyman GA, McEnerney JK, Janevicius RV: In vitro evaluation of intraocular infusion fluids: Effects on the lens and cornea. Ophthalmic Surg 8:63-67, 1977.
- Korey M, Peyman GA, Berkowitz R: The effect of hypertonic ointments on corneal alkali burns. Ann Ophthalmol 9:1383-1387, 1977.
- McEnerney JK, Wong WP, Peyman GA: Evaluation of the teratogenicity of fluorescein sodium. Am J Ophthalmol 84:847-850, 1977.
- Rutgard J, Frenkel M, Peyman GA, Saks S, Stankevych A: Ocular tolerance of bacillus Calmette-Guerin organisms. Arch Ophthalmol 95:2210-2213, 1977.
- Rutgard J, Peyman GA, Frenkel M, Saks S: Calmette-Guerin bacillus treatment of experimental conjunctival malignant melanoma. Arch Ophthalmol 95:2214-2217, 1977.
- Huamonte FU, Peyman GA, Goldberg MF: Complicated retinal detachment and its management with pars plana vitrectomy. Br J Ophthalmol 61:754-760, 1977.
- Janevicius R, Peyman GA: Iris tissue reaction to intraocular materials: Feasibility for intraocular lens fixation. Ophthalmic Surg 8:44-47, 1977.
- Peyman GA, Sanders DR, Koziol J, Fried W: A new operating microscope with increased illumination efficiency and a stereoscopic assistant viewer. Ophthalmic Surg 8:51-53,1977.
- Nyberg MA, Peyman GA, McEnerney JK: Evaluation of donor corneal endothelial viability with the vital stains Rose Bengal and Evans blue. Albrecht von Graefes Arch Klin Exp Ophthalmol. 204:153-159, 1977.
- Peyman GA, Sanders DR: Vitrectomy instrumentation. Trans Ophthalmol Soc New Zealand 29:31-34, 1977.
- Peyman GA: Vitrectomy in 125 eyes with diabetic vitreous haemorrhage. Trans Ophthalmol Soc New Zealand 29:34, 1977.
- Peyman GA, Goldberg MF, Sanders DR, Huamonte FU, Raichand M: The pars plana approach in the treatment of anterior segment diseases. Trans Ophthalmol Soc New Zealand 29:67-74, 1977.
- Peyman GA, Sanders DR: Management of endophthalmitis. Trans Ophthalmol Soc New Zealand 29:95-100, 1977.
- Peyman GA, Sanders DR, Fishman GA: Sclerochorioretinal biopsy: An approach to tissue diagnosis and study of choroidal and retinal disease. Trans Ophthalmol Soc New Zealand 29:101-106, 1977.
- Peyman GA, Sanders DR, May DR: Full-thickness eye wall resection: Technique, case descriptions and histological findings. Trans Ophthalmol Soc New Zealand 29:123-129, 1977.
- Peyman GA: Ocular problems of diabetics. In Report of the National Commission on Diabetics to Congress of the United States. Vol. 111:137-138, 1977.
- Peyman GA, Raichand M: Resection of choroidal melanoma. In Jakobiec FA (ed): Ocular and Adnexal Tumors. Birmingham, AL, Aesculapius, 1978, pp 61-69.
- Mason G, Peyman GA: The role of vitrectomy in diabetic retinopathy. Int Ophthalmol Clin 18:133-164, 1978.
- Kraff MC, Peyman GA, Sanders DR: Management of congenital and traumatic cataracts in children. Metabol Ophthalmol 2:295-297, 1978.
- Peyman GA, Huamonte FU, Goldberg MF, Sanders DR, Nagpal KC, Raichand M: Four hundred consecutive pars plana vitrectomies with the vitrophage. Arch Ophthalmol 96:45-50, 1978.
- Friedman E, Peyman GA, May DR: Endophthalmitis caused by Propionibacterium acnes.; Can J Ophthalmol 13:50-52, 1978.
- Peyman GA and the Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group: Photocoagulation treatment of proliferative diabetic retinopathy: The second report of Diabetic Retinopathy Study Findings. Ophthalmology 85:82-106, 1978.
- Peyman GA, Huamonte FU, Goldberg MF, Koziol J: Urokinase in the management of vitreous haemorrhage. Letter to the Editor. Br J Ophthalmol 62:70-71, 1978.
- McEnerney JK, Peyman GA, Janevicius RV: A new irrigating solution for intraocular surgery: TC Earle Solution. Ophthalmic Surg 9:66-72, 1978.
- Rutgard JJ, Berkowitz RA, Peyman GA: Intravitreal cephalothin in experimental staphylococcal endophthalmitis. Ann Ophthalmol 10:293-298, 1978.
- Bennett TO, Peyman GA, Rutgard J: Intracameral phosphate buffer in alkali burns. Can J Ophthalmol 13:93-95, 1978.
- Peyman GA, Vastine DW, Raichand M: Symposium: Postoperative endophthalmitis. Experimental aspects and their clinical application. Ophthalmology 85:374-385, 1978.
- May DR, Peyman GA, Raichand M, Friedman E: Metastatic Peptostreptococcus intermedius endophthalmitis after a dental procedure. Am J Ophthalmol 85:662-665, 1978.
- Peyman GA, Sanders DR, Minatoya H: Pars plana vitrectomy in the management of pupillary block glaucoma following irrigation and aspiration. Br J Ophthalmol 62:336-339, 1978.
- Peyman GA, Sanders DR, Swartz M: Complications of cataract surgery. Int Ophthalmol Clinics 18:179-205, 1978.
- McEnerney JK, Peyman GA: Indocyanine green: A new vital stain for use before penetrating keratoplasty. Arch Ophthalmol 96:1445-1447, 1978.
- Mason GI, Peyman GA, Jampol LM, Fletcher RC, Raichand M: Peptostreptococcal endophthalmitis with a relapsing course. Arch Ophthalmol 96:1813-1816, 1978.
- Peyman GA, Nyberg MA, Koziol J: Experimental evaluation of anterior chamber lenses fixated with Dacron. Ophthalmic Surg 9:70-75, 1978.
- Peyman GA, Raichand M, Goldberg MF: Surgery of congenital and juvenile cataracts: A pars plicata approach with the vitrophage. Br J Ophthalmol 62:780-783, 1978.
- Mason GI, Peyman GA, Jampol LM, Lesser RL: Staphyloma: A complication of surgery for hyphema. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus 15:386-391, 1978.
- Vlchek JK, Peyman GA: Induced retinal vasculitis: An ultrastructural study. Exp Ophthalmol 4:14-19, 1978.
- Peyman GA, Raichand M: Vitrectomy for the anterior segment surgeon. J Am Intraocul Implant Soc 5:4-8, 1979.
- Peyman GA, Nyberg M: Experimental evaluation of a posterior chamber lens fixated with Dacron. Ophthalmic Surg 10:64-68, 1979.
- Peyman GA, Koziol J, Kaiserman R: Iris tissue reaction to Dacron and silk in primates: Evaluation for intraocular lens fixation. Ophthalmic Surg 10:69-75, 1979.
- Peyman GA, Sanders DR, Ligara TH: Dextran 40-containing infusion fluids and corneal swelling: A specular microscopic study. Arch Ophthalmol 97:152-155, 1979.
- Sanders D, Peyman G, McClellan K: Dextran 40-containing incubation media: Effect on lens electrolyte and water balance. Arch Ophthalmol 97:156-158, 1979.
- Vastine DW, Peyman GA, Guth SB: Visual prognosis in bacterial endophthalmitis treated with intravitreal antibiotics. Ophthalmic Surg 10:76-83, 1979.
- Huang K, Peyman GA, McGetrick J: Vitrectomy in experimental endophthalmitis. Part I. Fungal infection. Ophthalmic Surg 10:84-86, 1979.
- McGetrick JJ, Peyman GA: Vitrectomy in experimental endophthalmitis. Part II. Bacterial endophthalmitis. Ophthalmic Surg 10:87-92, 1979.
- Peyman GA, Zweig K: Dry coating of intraocular lenses with bovine submaxillary mucin. Am J Ophthalmol 87:561-566, 1979.
- Peyman GA, Raichand M: Full thickness eye wall resection of choroidal neoplasms. Ophthalmology 86:1024-1036, 1979.
- McGetrick JJ, Peyman GA, Nyberg MA: Amphotericin B methyl ester: Evaluation for intravitreous use in experimental fungal endophthalmitis. Ophthalmic Surg 10:25-29, 1979.
- Cazeau T, Mason GI, Peyman GA: Effects of vitrectomy infusion solutions containing oxacillin, methicillin, or lincomycin. Ann Ophthalmol 11:1247-1251, 1979.
- Sanders DR, Bokosky J, Peyman GA, Gray D: Dextran’s effects on stressed lenses: Water, electrolyte, and radioisotope studies. Arch Ophthalmol 97:1948-1953, 1979.
- Morgan BS, Larson B, Peyman GA, West CS: Toxicity of antibiotic combinations for vitrectomy infusion fluid. Ophthalmic Surg 10(10):74-77, 1979.
- Berger B, Peyman GA, Juarez C, Mason G, Raichand M: Massive retinal gliosis simulating choroidal melanoma. Can J Ophthalmol 14:285-290, 1979.
- Peyman GA, Raichand M, Goldberg MF, Ritacca D: Management of subluxated and dislocated lenses with the vitrophage. Br J Ophthalmol 63:771-778, 1979.
- May DR, Klein ML, Peyman GA, Raichand M: Xenon arc panretinal photocoagulation for central retinal vein occlusion: A randomized prospective study. Br J Ophthalmol 63:725-734, 1979.
- Koziol J, Peyman GA: An anterior chamber lens fixed with Dacron in primates. Experientia 5:17-20, 1979.
- Kraff CR, Bellows J, Peyman GA, Sanders DR, Raichand M: Topical indomethecin inhibits surgically induced breakdown of the blood-aqueous barrier. Experientia 5:21-23, 1979.
- Peyman GA: The vitreous. Introduction. In Hughes WF (ed): Year Book of Ophthalmology, 1980. Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers, 1980, pp 207-209.
- Berger BB, Zweig KO, Peyman GA: Long-term results of vitreous loss managed by anterior vitrectomy. In Emery JM, Jacobson AC (eds): Current Concepts in Cataract Surgery, Selected Proceedings of the Sixth Biennial Cataract Surgical Congress. St. Louis, CV Mosby, 1980, pp 274-275.
- Peyman GA, Koziol JE, Natchair G: Dacron fixation of an intraocular posterior chamber lens. J Am Intraocul Implant Soc 6:30-32, 1980.
- Peyman GA: Miniaturization of the vitrophage: Vitrectomy instrument. Can J Ophthalmol 15:49-50, 1980.
- Kraff MC, Sanders DR, Lieberman HL, Peyman GA, Levine RA: Membrane formation after implantation of polyvinyl alcohol-coated intraocular lenses. J Am Intraocul Implant Soc 6:129-136, 1980.
- Peyman GA, Carroll CP, Raichand M: Prevention and management of traumatic endophthalmitis. Ophthalmology 87:320-324, 1980.
- Raichand M, Peyman GA, West CS, Hammond G, Zweig K: Toxicity and efficacy of vitrectomy fluids: Amphotericin B methyl ester in the treatment of experimental fungal endophthalmitis.& Ophthalmic Surg 11:246-248, 1980.
- Peyman GA, Lavery GW, Raichand M, Larson B: Anti-inflammatory action of topical indomethacin. Ophthalmic Surg 11:259-261, 1980.
- Homer PI, Peyman GA, Sugar J: Automated vitrectomy in eyes with vitreocorneal touch associated with corneal dysfunction. Am J Ophthalmol 89:500-506, 1980.
- Peyman GA, Palacio M, Sanders DR: Effect of dextran on corneas perfused at an increased pressure. Can J Ophthalmol 15:81-83, 1980.
- Peyman GA, Larson B, Raichand M, Andrews AH: Modification of rabbit corneal curvature with use of carbon dioxide laser burns. Ophthalmic Surg 11:325-329, 1980.
- Berger GG, Zweig KO, Peyman GA: Vitreous loss managed by anterior vitrectomy: Long-term followup of 59 cases. Arch Ophthalmol 98:1245-1247, 1980.
- Peyman GA, Raichand M, Goldberg MF, Brown S: Vitrectomy in the management of intraocular foreign bodies and their complications. Br J Ophthalmol 64:476-482, 1980.
- Raichand M, Peyman GA: The visually handicapped child. Garuounis Medical J 3:67-69, 1980.
- Peyman GA, Raichand M, Bennett TO: Management of endophthalmitis with pars plana vitrectomy. Br J Ophthalmol 64:472-475, 1980.
- Kraff MC, Sanders DR, Peyman GA, Lieberman HL, Tarabishy S: Slit-lamp fluorophotometry in intraocular lens patients. Ophthalmology 87:877-880, 1980.
- Carroll CP, Peyman GA, Raichand M: Surgical management of senile scleromalacia. Ophthalmic Surg 11:719-721, 1980.
- Peyman GA, Grisolano JM, Palacio MN: Intraocular photocoagulation with the argon-krypton laser. Arch Ophthalmol 98:2062-2064, 1980.
- Raichand M, Peyman GA: Endophthalmitis: Its diagnosis and management. Mediguide to Ophthalmology 1, New York, Delacorte, 1980.
- Peyman GA: Discussion of paper by Forster RK, et al: Management of infectious endophthalmitis. Ophthalmology 87:319, 1980.
- Berger BB, Emery JM, Brown NV, Sanders DR, Peyman GA: The lens, cataract, and its management. In Peyman GA, Sanders DR, Goldberg MF (eds): Principles and Practice of Ophthalmology. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1980, pp 489-632.
- Goldbaum MH, Joondeph H, Huamonte FU, Peyman GA: Retinal examination and surgery. In Peyman GA, Sanders Dr, Goldberg MF (eds): Principles and Practice of Ophthalmology. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1980, pp 988-1097.
- Peyman G, Sanders D: Vitreous and vitreous surgery.; In Peyman GA, Sanders DR, Goldberg MF (eds): Principles and Practice of Ophthalmology. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1980, pp 1327-1401.
- Peyman GA: The Vitreous. Introduction. In Hughes WF (ed): Year Book of Ophthalmology, 1981. Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers, 1981, pp 203-207.
- Peyman GA, Raichand M, Green JL: Surgical management of neoplasm with local excision. International Symposium on Intraocular Tumors. German Democratic Republic, May, 1981.
- Peyman GA, Salzano TC, Green JL, Andrews AH: Role of the CO2 laser in chorioretino-iridocyclectomy. Ophthalmic Surg 12:426-431, 1981.
- Peyman GA, Li M, Yoneya S, Goldberg MF, Raichand M: Fundus photocoagulation with the argon and krypton lasers: A comparative study. Ophthalmic Surg 12:481-490, 1981.
- Peyman GA, and the Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group: Photocoagulation treatment of proliferative diabetic retinopathy: Relationship of adverse treatment effects to retinopathy severity: DRS Report No. 5. Dev Ophthalmol 2:248-261, 1981.
- Peyman GA, and the Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group: Design, methods, and baseline results: DRS Report No. 6. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 21:149-209, 1981.
- Peyman GA, and the Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group: A modification of the Airlie House classification of diabetic retinopathy: DRS Report No. 7. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 21:210-226, 1981.
- Peyman GA, and the Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group: Photocoagulation treatment of proliferative diabetic retinopathy: Clinical application of Diabetic Retinopathy Study (DRS) findings: DRS Report No. 8. Ophthalmology 88:583-600, 1981.
- Devonshire R, Peyman GA, Epstein R: A new indirect ophthalmoscope prototype. Br J Ophthalmol 65:507-509, 1981.
- Peyman GA, Spigelman AV: Reduction of glare after radial keratotomy: An experimental study. Ophthalmic Surg 12:727-730, 1981.
- Peyman GA, Green JL, Carroll CP: A simplified approach to the management of tangential retinal traction bands. Br J Ophthalmol 65:414-416, 1981.
- Peyman GA, Salzano TC, Green JL Jr: Argon endolaser. Arch Ophthalmol 99:2037-2038, 1981.
- Juarez CP, Peyman GA, Raichand M, Goldberg MF: Secondary pupillary membranes treated by the pars plana/pars plicata approach: Long-term results of 108 cases. Br J Ophthalmol 65:762-766, 1981.
- Peyman GA, Juarez CP, Raichand M: Full-thickness eye-wall biopsy: Long-term results in 9 patients. Br J Ophthalmol 65:723-726, 1981.
- Peyman GA, Raichand M, Oesterle C, Goldberg MF: Pars plicata lensectomy and vitrectomy in the management of congenital cataracts. Ophthalmology 88:437-439, 1981.
- Peyman GA: A new operating table for the management of giant retinal breaks. Arch Ophthalmol 99:498-499, 1981.
- Sloane H, Peyman GA, Raichand M, West CS: Netilmicin: New aminoglycoside effective against bacterial endophthalmitis. Can J Ophthalmol 16:22-26, 1981.
- Carroll CP, Peyman GA: A microscope filter for endophotocoagulation. Arch Ophthalmol 99:327, 1981.
- Zweig K, Cunha-Vaz J, Peyman G, Stein M, Raichand M: Effect of argon laser photocoagulation on fluorescein transport across the blood-retinal barrier. Exp Eye Res 32:323-329, 1981.
- Peyman GA: Treatment of endophthalmitis. In Ernest JT (ed): Year Book of Ophthalmology, 1982, Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers, 1982, pp 229-231.
- Sanders DR, Kraff MC, Lieberman HL, Peyman GA, Tarabishy S: Breakdown and reestablishment of blood-aqueous barrier with implant surgery. Arch Ophthalmol 100:588-590, 1982.
- Jampol LM, Green JL Jr, Goldberg MF, Peyman GA: An update on vitrectomy surgery and retinal detachment repair in sickle cell disease. Arch Ophthalmol 100:591-593, 1982.
- Hundal SS, Peyman GA: Clinical management of endophthalmitis. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 1:1-5, 1982.
- Peyman GA: A bent-tipped vitrophage for anterior segment surgery.; Arch Ophthalmol 100:1973, 1982.
- Juarez CP, Peyman GA, Raichand M: Effects of argon and krypton laser on experimentally detached retinas. Ophthalmic Surg 13:928-933, 1982.
- Leeds NH, Peyman GA, House B: Moxalactam (Moxam) in the treatment of experimental staphylococcal endophthalmitis. Ophthalmic Surg 13:653-656, 1982.
- Raichand M, Peyman GA, Schwartz H, Roe C: Anti-inflammatory action of dexamethasone in vitrectomy infusion fluid. Ophthalmic Surg 13:493-498, 1982.
- Peyman GA, Sloane HD, Lim J: Ultraviolet light absorbing pseudophakos. J Am Intraocul Implant Soc 8:357-360, 1982.
- Peyman G, Kraff M, Viherkoski E, Ressler N: Noninvasive capsulectomy using a new pulsed infrared laser. J Am Intraocul Implant Soc 8:239-246, 1982.
- Peyman GA, Rednam KR: A teaching mirror for patient’s observation during indirect ophthalmoscopy. Ophthalmic Surg 13:664-667, 1982.
- Kraff MC, Sanders DR, Jampol LM, Peyman GA, Lieberman HL: Prophylaxis of pseudophakic cystoid macular edema with topical indomethacin. Ophthalmology 89:885-890, 1982.
- Baum J, Peyman GA, Barza M: Intravitreal administration of antibiotic in the treatment of bacterial endophthalmitis. III. Consensus. Surv Ophthalmol 26:204-206, 1982.
- Seetner A, Peyman GA: Vitrectomy for the anterior segment surgeon. Part I. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 1:92-105, 1982.
- Seetner A, Peyman GA: Vitrectomy for the anterior segment surgeon. Part II. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 1:106-115, 1982.
- Seetner A, Peyman GA: Lensectomia-vitrectomia por el cirujano de segmento anterior. In: Menezo JL (ed): Microcirugia de la Catarata: Lentes Intraoculares. Barcelona, Ediciones Scriba, SA, 1983, pp 177-197.
- Peyman GA: Nd-YAG laser and pupillary membrane. In Ernest JT (ed):Year Book of Ophthalmology, 1983. Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers, 1983, pp 219-221.
- Peyman GA, Goldberg MF, Raichand M: Uveal biopsy. In Duane TD (ed): Clinical Ophthalmology. Philadelphia, Harper and Row, Volume 4, Chapter 36, 1983.
- Raichand M, Peyman GA, Juarez CP, Seetner AA, Sugar J, Goldberg MF: Resection of uveal melanocytoma: Clinicopathological correlation. Br J Ophthalmol 67:236-243, 1983.
- Koziol JE, Peyman GA, Yasuda H: Evaluation of a new silicone-methane polymer contact lens. Arch Ophthalmol 101:1779-1781, 1983.
- Peyman GA, Zak R, Sloane H: Ultraviolet absorbing pseudophakos: An efficacy study. J Am Intraocul Implant Soc 9:161-170, 1983.
- Peyman GA, Rednam KR, Mottow-Lippa LM, Flood T: Treatment of large von Hippel tumors by eye wall resection. Ophthalmology 90:840-847, 1983.
- Peyman GA, Conway M, Ganti S, Viherkoski E: A neodymium:YAG endolaser. Ophthalmic Surg 14:309-313, 1983.
- Sanders DR, Kraff M, Peyman GA: Effects of indomethacin on postoperative inflammation after intraocular lens surgery. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 1:149, 1983.
- Conway MD, Peyman GA: An in vitro cataract model for practice of cataract surgery. J Am Intraocul Implant Soc 9:197-199, 1983.
- Peyman GA, Rednam KVR, Juarez CP: Improvement of eye wall resection technique. Ophthalmic Surg 14:588-590, 1983.
- Sanders DR, Joondeph B, Hutchins R, Schwartz D, Yeh T, Peyman GA: Studies on the blood-aqueous barrier after argon laser photocoagulation of the iris. Ophthalmology 90:169-174, 1983.
- Schulman J, Peyman GA, Raichand M, Jednock N: Aphakic cystoid macular edema in children after vitrectomy for anterior segment injuries. Ophthalmic Surg 14:848-851, 1983.
- Haas JS, Peyman GA, Lim J: Experimental evaluation of a posterior drainage system. Ophthalmic Surg 14:494-498, 1983.
- Goldberg MF, Peyman GA: Pars plicata surgery in the child for pupillary membranes, persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous, and infantile cataract. In: Bird AC, Coleman DJ, Gass JDM, et al: Symposium on Medical and Surgical Diseases of the Retina and Vitreous: Transactions of the New Orleans Academy of Ophthalmology. CV Mosby Co: St Louis, pp 228-262, 1983.
- Schulman JA, Peyman GA, Palacio MN, Barrada A: Diagnostic vitrectomy. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 11:112-114, 1983.
- Barrada A, Peyman GA, Greenberg D, Stelmack T, Fiscella R: Toxicity of antineoplastic drugs in vitrectomy infusion fluids. Ophthalmic Surg 14:845-847, 1983.
- Mottow-Lippa L, Tso MO, Peyman GA, Chejfec G: von Hippel angiomatosis. A light, electron microscopic, and immunoperoxidase characterization. Ophthalmology 9:848-855, 1983.
- Peyman GA: Eye wall resection. Ophthalmic Forum 1:38-39, 1983.
- Peyman GA, Conway MD, House B: Transpupillary CW-YAG laser coagulation. A comparison with argon green and krypton red lasers. Ophthalmology 90:992-1002, 1983.
- Sanders DR, Spigelman A, Kraff C, Lagouros P, Goldstick B, Peyman GA: Quantitative assessment of postsurgical breakdown of the blood-aqueous barrier. Arch Ophthalmol 101:131-133, 1983.
- Raichand M, Peyman GA, Ling C, Juarez CP, Kimura A: Effect of argon vs krypton laser pangoniophotocoagulation on intraocular pressure in primates. Experientia Ophthalmologica 9:15-18, 1983.
- Rednam KRV, Peyman GA, Raichand M, Juarez CP: Effect of argon vs krypton laser pangoniophotocoagulation on phakic open angle glaucoma in humans. Experientia Ophthalmologica 9:19-24, 1983.
- Peyman GA, Conway MD, Ganti SD, Viherkoski E, Barrada A: Laboratory findings with argon, krypton, and CW-neodymium-YAG endolasers. Bull Ophthalmol Soc Egypt 76:229-238, 1983.
- Peyman GA, Rednam KR, Conway MD, Durant W, Barrada A: Clinical experience with endolasers. Bull Ophthalmol Soc Egypt 76:239-247, 1983.
- Gilbard SM, Peyman GA, Goldberg MF: Evaluation for cystoid maculopathy after pars plicata lensectomy-vitrectomy for congenital cataracts. Ophthalmology 90:1201-1206, 1983.
- Peyman GA: Intravitreal antineoplastic drugs. In Ernst JT (ed): Year Book of Ophthalmology, 1984. Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers, pp 169-171, 1984.
- Peyman GA, Conway MD, Ganti SD, Durant W, Viherkoski E: Argon, krypton, and neodymium-YAG-endolasers. Doc Ophthalmol Proc Series 36:277-287, 1984.
- Peyman GA, Zak R, Sloane H: Letter to the Editor. UV radiation damage. J Am Intraocul Implant Soc 10:67-68, 1984.
- Peyman GA, Rednam KV, Seetner AA: Retinal microincarceration with penetrating diathermy in the management of giant retinal tears. Arch Ophthalmol 102:562-565, 1984.
- Peyman GA, Mafee M, Schulman J: Computed tomography in choroidal detachment. Ophthalmology 91:156-162, 1984.
- Peyman GA, Raichand M, Zeimer RC: Ocular effects of various laser wavelengths. Surv Ophthalmol 28:391-404, 1984.
- Conway MD, Palacio MN, Peyman GA: Evaluation of the use of Healon® in experimental glaucoma surgery. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 2:147-150, 1984.
- Peyman GA, Greenberg D, Fishman G, Fiscella R, Thomas A: Evaluation of toxicity of intravitreal antineoplastic drugs. Ophthalmic Surg 15:411-413, 1984.
- Peyman GA, Nasaduke I, Rednam KV: Internal patching of posterior retinal tears using autologous ocular tissues: A preliminary report. Experientia 10:12-14, 1984.
- Barrada A, Peyman GA, Palacio MN: Limitation of iris and ciliary body resection in primates. Retina 4:119-122, 1984.
- Peyman GA, Conway MD, House B: Effects of CW-YAG and argon green lasers on experimentally detached retinas. Acta Ophthalmol 62:342-350, 1984.
- Durant WJ, Flood T, Goldberg MF, Tso MO, Pasquali LA, Peyman GA: Vitrectomy and Whipple’s disease. Arch Ophthalmol 102:848-851, 1984.
- Peyman GA, Barrada A: Retinochoroidectomy ab interno. Ophthalmic Surg 15:749-751, 1984.
- Peyman GA, Larson B: Effect of CW-YAG laser on the human iris and retina. Ophthalmology 91:1034-1039, 1984.
- Leeds NH, Peyman GA, House B: Letter to the Editor. Intravitreal moxalactam. Arch Ophthalmol 102:1267-1268, 1984.
- Barrada A, Peyman GA, Case J, Fishman G, Thomas A, Fiscella R: Evaluation of intravitreal 5-fluorouracil, vincristine, VP 16, doxorubicin, and thiotepa in primate eyes. Ophthalmic Surg 15:767-769, 1984.
- Peyman GA, Conway MD, Raichand M, Lin J: Histopathological studies on transscleral argon-krypton laser coagulation with an exolaser probe. Ophthalmic Surg 15:496-501, 1984.
- Mafee MF, Peyman GA: Choroidal detachment and ocular hypotony: CT evaluation. Radiology 153:697-703, 1984.
- Pulido JS, Palacio MN, Peyman GA, Fiscella R, Greenberg D, Stelmack T: Toxicity of intravitreal antiviral drugs. Ophthalmic Surg 15:666-669, 1984.
- Peyman GA, Goldberg MF, Uninsky E, Tessler H, Pulido J, Hendricks R: Vitrectomy and intravitreal antiviral drug therapy in acute retinal necrosis syndrome. Report of two cases. Arch Ophthalmol 102:1618-1621, 1984.
- Peyman GA, Juarez CP, Diamond JG, Raichand M: Ten years experience with eye wall resection for uveal malignant melanomas. Ophthalmology 91:1720-1725, 1984.
- Peyman GA, Barrada A, Greenberg D, Stelmack T, Fiscells R, Yue B: Toxicity of antineoplastic drug combinations in vitrectomy infusion fluid. Ophthalmic Surg 15:844-846, 1984.
- Peyman GA: Contact lenses for Nd-YAG application in the vitreous. Retina 4:129-131, 1984.
- Schulman J, Peyman GA, Jednock N: Vitrectomy of retinal detachment in congenital retinoschisis. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 3:100-102, 1984.
- Peyman GA, Dickhoff K, Kraff M, Viherkoski E: A new generation Q-switched Nd-YAG laser and its clinical application. VIIth Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology, Helsinki Finland, May 21, 1984, Metabolic Eye Diseases, pp 68-69, 1984.
- Schulman JA, Peyman JA, Fiscella RG, Pulido J, Sugar J: Letter to the Editor. Parenterally administered acyclovir for viral retinitis associated with AIDS. Arch Ophthalmol 102:1750, 1984.
- Fletcher ME, Peyman GA: Intravitreal silicone oil. In Ernest JT (ed): Year Book of Ophthalmology, 1985. Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers, 1985, pp 169-174.
- Peyman GA: Evaluation and improvements of intraocular infusion fluids – personal interview. In Boyd BJ (ed): Highlights of Ophthalmology: Volume I. Atlas and Textbook of Microsurgery and Laser Surgery. Panama, RP, 1985, pp 110-114.
- Peyman GA: Endolaser coagulation for retinal and vitreous diseases – personal interview. In Boyd BF (ed): Highlights of Ophthalmology: Volume I. Atlas and Textbook of Microsurgery and Laser Surgery. Panama, RP, 1985, pp 624-635.
- Peyman GA: An illuminated suction needle for air-fluid exchange after vitrectomy. Arch Ophthalmol 103:595, 1985.
- Peyman GA, Carroll PC, Green JL, Koziol J, Mason G, Raichand M, Salzano TC, Goldberg MF, and the Diabetic Retinopathy Vitrectomy Study Group: The two-year course of visual acuity in severe proliferative diabetic retinopathy with conventional management: Diabetic Retinopathy Vitrectomy Study (DRVS) Report #1. Ophthalmology 92:492-501, 1985.
- Fiscella R, Peyman GA, Elvart J, Yue B: In vitro evaluation of cellular inhibitory potential of various antineoplastic drugs and dexamethasone. Ophthalmic Surg 16:247-249, 1985.
- Peyman GA, Caldwell DR, Conway MD, Viherkoski E, Weckstrom K: Early clinical experience with a new generation Q-switched neodymium:YAG laser.J Am Intraocul Implant Soc 11:292-294, 1985.
- Peyman GA, Schulman J: Proliferative vitreoretinopathy and chemotherapeutic agents. Surv Ophthalmol 29:434-442, 1985.
- Case JL, Peyman GA, Barrada A, Hendricks R, Fiscella R, Hindi M: Clearance of intravitreal 3H-fluorouracil. Ophthalmic Surg 16:378-381, 1985.
- Peyman GA, Hindi M: Ab interno retinochoroidectomy in primates. Arch Ophthalmol 103:572-575, 1985.
- Peyman GA: Traumatic endophthalmitis. Ophthalmic Forum 3:69, 1985.
- Diamond J, Forster RK, Peyman G, Rowsey JJ: Round table discussion: Endophthalmitis. Ophthalmic Forum 3:86-92, 1985.
- Pulido J, Peyman GA, Lesar T, Vernot J: Intravitreal toxicity of hydroxyacyclovir (BW-B759U), a new antiviral agent. Arch Ophthalmol 103:840-841, 1985.
- Fishman PH, Peyman GA, Woodhouse M: Alterations in the blood-aqueous barrier of the rabbit eye after neodymium:YAG photodisruption. J Am Intraocul Implant Soc 11:364-366, 1985.
- Mafee MF, Peyman GA, McKusick MA: Malignant uveal melanoma and similar lesions studied by computed tomography. Radiology 156:403-408, 1985.
- Schulman J, Peyman GA, Pulido J: Viral retinitis and its management. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 3:143-146, 1985.
- Schulman J, Peyman GA, Jednock N, Larson B: Indications for vitrectomy in congenital retinoschisis. Br J Ophthalmol 69:482-486, 1985.
- Peyman GA, and the Diabetic Retinopathy Vitrectomy Study Research Group: Early vitrectomy for severe vitreous hemorrhage in diabetic retinopathy: Two-year results of a randomized trial. Diabetic retinopathy study report 2. Arch Ophthalmol 103:1644-1652, 1985.
- Fletcher ME, Peyman GA: A simplified technique for the removal of liquid silicone from vitrectomized eyes. Retina 5:168-171, 1985.
- de Corral LR, Peyman GA: Silicone oil injection in aphakic eyes: A modified technique. Ophthalmic Surg 16:774-775, 1985.
- Cohen SB, Peyman GA, de Corral LR: Letter to the Editor. Extracapsular cataract extraction after silicone oil injection. Ophthalmic Surg 16:660, 1985.
- de Corral LR, Conway M, Peyman GA, Constanteras A: Argon laser treatment of an abnormal angle vessel producing recurrent hyphema. Int Ophthalmol 8:179-182, 1985.
- Paylor RR, Peyman GA: Letter to the Editor. A method to locate the silicone oil-aqueous humor interface. Arch Ophthalmol 103:1782-1783, 1985.
- Ling CH, Peyman GA, Raichand M: Electron microscopic study of toxicity of intravitreal injections of gentamicin in primates. Can J Ophthalmol 20:179-183, 1985.
- Vernot J, Peyman GA, Gailitis R, Fiscella R, Woodhouse M, Weinberg D: Effects of selected repeated intravitreal chemotherapeutic agents. Int Ophthalmol 8:193-198, 1985.
- Lee S, Peyman GA, Weinberg D: Effect of urokinase on posterior penetrating eye injuries. Can J Ophthalmol 20: 251-253, 1985.
- Peyman GA, Viherkoski E, Weckstrom K: A new (PV-YAG) Q-switched YAG laser. In Buratto L, Vitali D, Ricci A (ed): Nd:YAG Laser. SIFI spa, Catana, Italy, 1985, pp 58-62.
- Peyman GA, Raichand M: A comparison of CW YAG laser effect with argon and krypton laser. In Buratto L, Vitali D, Ricci A (eds): Nd:YAG Laser. SIFI spa, Catana, Italy, 1985, pp 63-70.
- Peyman GA, Kuszak JR, Bertram BA, Weckstrom K, Mannonen I, Viherkoski E: Comparison of the effects of argon fluoride (ArF) and krypton fluoride (KrF) excimer lasers on ocular structures. Int Ophthalmol 8:199-209, 1985.
- Carney MD, Peyman GA: The use of intravitreal gases. In Ernest JT (ed): Year Book of Ophthalmology, 1986. Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers, 1986, pp 161-166.
- Peyman GA, Kuszak JR: Excimer laser: Comparison of three wavelengths. In Sanders DR, Hofmann RF, Salz JJ (eds): Refractive Corneal Surgery. Thorofare, NJ, Slack, 1986, pp 411-422.
- Weckstrom K, Peyman GA: Evaluation of the burst mode of a neodymium:YAG laser in saline and polymethyl methacrylate. Ophthalmic Res 18:38-40, 1986.
- Spigelman AV, Vernot JA, Deutsch TA, Peyman GA, Molnar J: Fibronectin in alkali burns of the rabbit cornea. Cornea 4:169-172, 1985-86.
- Grisolano J Jr, Peyman GA: Retinal toxicity study of intravitreal cyclosporin. Ophthalmic Surg 17:155-156, 1986.
- Vegh S, Peyman GA, Vernot J, Fiscella R: Toxicity of intravitreal interferon. Ophthalmic Surg 17:103-105, 1986.
- Peyman GA, Kuszak JR, Weckstrom K, Mannonen I, Viherkoski E, Auterinen L: Effects of XeCl excimer laser on the eyelid and anterior segment structures. Arch Ophthalmol 104:118-122, 1986.
- de Corral LR, Peyman GA: Pars plana vitrectomy and intravitreal silicone oil injection in eyes with rubeosis iridis. Can J Ophthalmol 21:10-12, 1986.
- Grisolano J, Peyman GA: Special short needles to inject and aspirate high-viscosity silicone oil. Arch Ophthalmol 104:608, 1986.
- Schulman J, Peyman GA, Horton MB, Liu J, Barber JC, Fiscella R, de Miranda P: Intraocular penetration of a new antiviral agent, hydroxyacyclovir (BW-B759U). Jpn J Ophthalmol 30:116-124, 1986.
- Cohen SB, Peyman GA, de Corral LR: Cataract extraction after silicone oil injection. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 4:149-152, 1986.
- Schulman JA, Peyman GA, Mafee MF, Lawrence L, Bauman AE, Goldman A, Kurwa B: The use of magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of retinoblastoma. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus 23:144-147, 1986.
- Peyman GA, de Corral LR: One-step extracapsular cataract extraction and silicone oil-injection in the management of proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Br J Ophthalmol 70:382-386, 1986.
- Nork M, Ghobrial MW, Peyman GA, Tso MO: Massive retinal gliosis: A reactive proliferation of Muller cells. Arch Ophthalmol 104:1383-1389, 1986.
- Carney MD, Peyman GA, Goldberg MF, Packo K, Pulido J, Nicholson D: Acute retinal necrosis. Retina 6:85-94, 1986.
- Fishman PH, Peyman GA, Lesar T: Intravitreal liposome- encapsulated gentamicin in a rabbit model: Prolonged therapeutic levels. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 27:1103-1106, 1986.
- Peyman GA, Fishman PH, Alexander KR, Woodhouse M, Weinreb RN: The effect of ultraviolet, visible, and infrared radiation on the rabbit blood-aqueous barrier. Exp Eye Res 42:249-254, 1986.
- Schulman J, Peyman GA, Horton MB, Liu J, Fiscella R, Pulido J, Barber JC, de Miranda P: Intraocular 9-([2-hydroxy-l- (hydroxymethyl) ethoxy] methyl) guanine levels after intravitreal and subconjunctival administration. Ophthalmic Surg 17:429-432, 1986.
- Nasaduke I, Peyman GA: Intraocular effects of rabbit fibrin sealant used in experimental retinal holes and detachments. In Schlag G, Redl H (eds). Fibrin Sealant in Operative Medicine – Neurosurgery. Vol. 2. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp 74-84. 1986.
- Gailitis R, Peyman GA, Pulido J, Mitchell MD, Weinreb RM: Prostaglandin release following Nd:YAG iridotomy in rabbits. Ophthalmic Surg 17:467-469, 1986.
- Peyman GA, Cohen SB: Ab interno resection of uveal melanoma. Int Ophthalmol 9:29-36, 1986.
- Peyman GA: Protective eye filters for endolaser therapy with the indirect ophthalmoscope. Int Ophthalmol 9:43-44, 1986.
- Mafee MF, Peyman GA, Grisolano J, Fletcher ME, Spigos DG, Wehrli FW, Rasouli F, Capek V: Malignant uveal melanoma and simulating lesions: MR imaging evaluation. Radiology 160:773-780, 1986.
- Peyman GA, Diamond J: A new variable suction system with finger-tip control. Can J Ophthalmol 21:225-226, 1986.
- Kao GW, Peyman GA: Penetrating diathermy for retinal microincarceration in the management of giant retinal tears with inverted flaps. Retina 6:135-145, 1986.
- Peyman GA, Paylor R: Simultaneous perfusion of air and irrigating solution in the management of traumatic posterior segment injuries. Retina 6:151-153, 1986.
- Grisolano J, Peyman GA: Technique for trouble-free removal of pars plana infusion cannulas. Arch Ophthalmol 104:1550, 1986.
- Nasaduke I, Peyman GA: The use of autogenous rabbit fibrin sealant to plug retinal holes in experimental detachments. Ann Ophthalmol 18:324-327, 1986.
- Peyman GA, Raichand M, Juarez CP, Reinglass S, John E: Hypotony and experimental rubeosis iridis in primate eyes: A clinicopathologic study. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 224:435-442, 1986.
- Dharma SK, Fishman PH, Peyman GA: A preliminary study of corneal penetration of 125 I-labelled idoxuridine liposome. Acta Ophthalmol 64:298-301, 1986.
- Cohen SB, Peyman GA: Sarcoid granuloma simulating amelanotic melanoma of the iris. Ann Ophthalmol 18:343-346, 1986.
- Peyman GA, Goldschmidt CR: A new contact lens for Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy. Can J Ophthalmol 21:269-270, 1986.
- Pang MP, Peyman GA, Kao G: Early anterior segment complications after silicone oil injection. Can J Ophthalmol 21:271-275, 1986.
- Peyman GA, Raichand M, Schulman J: Diagnosis and therapeutic surgery of the uvea. Part I. Surgical technique. Ophthalmic Surg 17:822-829, 1986.
- Schulman J, Peyman GA, Fiscella R, Greenberg D, Horton MB, de Miranda P: Intraocular acyclovir levels after subconjunctival and topical administration. Br J Ophthalmol 70:138-140, 1986.
- Peyman GA: Discussion of paper by McDonald HR, et al. Retinal toxicity secondary to intraocular gentamicin injection. Ophthalmology 93:876-877, 1986.
- Nikoleit JR, Peyman GA, Candel A, Fiscella R: In vitro evaluation of various intraocular irrigating solutions.; Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 5:128-32, 1986.
- Raichand M, Peyman GA: Pneumatic retinopexy. In Ernest JT (ed): Year Book of Ophthalmology, 1987. Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers, 1987, pp 173-176.
- Grisolano J, Peyman GA: An automatic laser filter for the indirect ophthalmoscope. Retina 7:32-33, 1987.
- Peyman GA, Carney MD: Combined internal drainage of subretinal fluid and choroidal detachment.; Int Ophthalmol 10:41-46, 1987.
- Dharma SK, Peyman GA, Vernot J, Fiscella R: Toxicity of intravitreally administered alpha-interferon. Ophthalmic Surg 18:51-54, 1987.
- Kao GW, Peyman GA, Fiscella R, House B: Retinal toxicity of ganciclovir in vitrectomy infusion solution. Retina 7:80-83, 1987.
- Schulman J, Peyman GA, Liu J, Scott M, Barber JC: The intraocular penetration of acyclovir after subconjunctival administration. Ophthalmic Surg 18:111-114, 1987.
- Carney MD, Peyman GA: Vitrectomy in endophthalmitis. Int Ophthalmol Clin 27:127-134, 1987.
- Peyman GA: A bent-tipped endolaser probe. Ophthalmic Surg 18:185-186, 1987.
- Pang MP, Peyman GA, Nikoleit J, Fiscella R, Kao G: Intravitreal trifluorothymidine and retinal toxicity. Retina 6:260-263, 1987.
- Federman JL, Ando F, Peyman GA, Schubert HD: Contact laser scalpel for ocular wall resection. Ophthalmic Surg 18:305-306, 1987.
- Peyman GA, Schulman J, Raichand M: Diagnosis and therapeutic surgery of the uvea. Part II. Results. Ophthalmic Surg 18:310-316, 1987.
- Charles H, Peyman GA, Pang MP: Management of an extruded footplate of an anterior chamber lens with Nd:YAG laser. J Cataract Refract Surg 13:313-315, 1987.
- Mafee MF, Peyman GA, Peace JH, Cohen SB, Mitchell MW: Magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation and differentiation of uveal melanoma. Ophthalmology 94:341-348, 1987.
- Henrikson GC, Mafee MF, Flanders AE, Kriz RJ, Peyman GA: CT evaluation of plastic intraocular foreign bodies. AJNR 8:378-379, 1987.
- Peyman GA, Mafee MF: Uveal melanoma and similar lesions: The role of magnetic resonance imaging and computerized tomography. Radiol Clin North Am 25:471-486, 1987.
- Mafee MF, Peyman GA: Retinal and choroidal detachments: Role of magnetic resonance imaging and computerized tomography. Radiol Clin North Am 25:487-507, 1987.
- de Corral LR, Cohen SB, Peyman GA: Effect of intravitreal silicone oil on intraocular pressure. Ophthalmic Surg 18:446-449, 1987.
- Lagouros PA, Langer BG, Peyman GA, Mafee MF, Spigos DG, Grisolano J: Magnetic resonance imaging and intraocular foreign bodies. Arch Ophthalmol 105:551-553, 1987.
- Peyman GA, Kao GW, de Corral LR: Randomized clinical trial of intraocular silicone vs. gas in the management of complicated retinal detachment and vitreous hemorrhage. Int Ophthalmol 10:221-234, 1987.
- Peyman GA, Kao GW: Use of crossed-linked hyaluronic acid in the anterior segment. Int Ophthalmol 10:133-141, 1987.
- Peyman GA, Carney MD, Higginbotham EJ: Lensectomy and vitrectomy in the presence of filtering blebs. Int Ophthalmol 10:143-147, 1987.
- Peyman GA, Smith RT: Use of fluorosilicone to unfold a giant retinal tear. Int Ophthalmol 10:149-151, 1987.
- Peyman GA, Katoh N, Desai A: The Nd:YAG laser 1.3 wavelength: In vitro effects on ocular structures. Int Ophthalmol 10:213-220, 1987.
- Peyman GA, Katoh N: Effects of an erbium:YAG laser on ocular structures. Int Ophthalmol 10:245-253, 1987.
- Derick RJ, Paylor R, Peyman GA: Toxicity of imipenem in vitreous replacement fluid. Ann Ophthalmol 19:338-339, 1987.
- Liu KR, Peyman GA, Khoobehi B, Alkan H, Fiscella R: Intravitreal liposome-encapsulated trifluorothymidine in a rabbit model. Ophthalmology 94:1155-1159, 1987.
- Paylor R, Peyman GA, Badri S: Effects of intravitreal injection of fluorosilicone oil after vitrectomy in the rabbit eye. Can J Ophthalmol 22:251-253, 1987.
- Peyman GA, Smith RT, Charles H: Injection of fluorosilicone oil and pars plana vitrectomy for complex retinal detachment. Can J Ophthalmol 22:276-278, 1987.
- Katoh N, Peyman GA: Dye orange and argon green laser photocoagulation effects on the retina and vitreoretinal interface. Jpn J Ophthalmol 31:461-466, 1987.
- Federman JL, Wilson RP, Ando F, Peyman GA: Contact laser: Thermal sclerostomy ab interna. Ophthalmic Surg 18:726-727, 1987.
- Schulman JA, Peyman GA, Fiscella R, Small G, Coats M, Wajszczuk CP, Steahly L: Toxicity of intravitreal injection of fluconazole in the rabbit. Can J Ophthalmol 22:304-6, 1987.
- Fiscella R, Peyman GA, Fishman PH: Duration of therapeutic levels of intravitreally injected liposome-encapsulated clindamycin in the rabbit. Can J Ophthalmol 22:307-9, 1987.
- Small GH, Peyman GA, Srinivasan A, Smith RT, Fiscella R: Retinal toxicity of combination antiviral drugs in an animal model. Can J Ophthalmol 22: 300-303, 1987.
- Peyman GA, Katoh N, Tawakol M, Khoobehi B, Desai A: Contact application of Nd:YAG laser through a fiberoptic and a sapphire tip. Int Ophthalmol 11:3-12, 1987.
- Peyman GA, Alghadyan A, Peace JH: A contact Nd:YAG laser to resect large ciliary body and choroidal tumors. Int Ophthalmol 11:55-61, 1987.
- Peyman GA, Katoh N, Tawakol M, Khoobehi B, Federman J: Transscleral and intravitreal contact Nd:YAG laser application. An experimental study. Retina 7:190-97, 1987.
- Peyman GA, Khoobehi B, Tawakol M, Schulman JA, Mortada HA, Alkan H, Fiscella R: Intravitreal injection of liposome-encapsulated ganciclovir in a rabbit model. Retina 7:227-229, 1987.
- Peyman GA, Katoh N, Tawakol M, Khoobehi B, Federman J: Contact Nd:YAG laser for use in oculoplastic surgery. Jpn J Ophthalmol 31:635-645, 1987.
- Srinivasan A, Peyman GA: Evaluation of the CO2 laser for blepharoplasty. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 5:165-7, 1987.
- Peyman GA, Charles H, Tawakol M, Federman J, Ando F: External drainage of subretinal fluid with a contact Nd:YAG laser. Int Ophthalmol 11:77-8, 1987.
- Ohki K, Peyman GA, Candel A, Fiscella R: Toxicity of intravitreal interferon in combination with acyclovir after lensectomy and vitrectomy. Folia Ophthalmol Jpn 38:158-161, 1987.
- Joondeph BC, Peyman GA, Khoobehi B, Yue BY: Liposome- encapsulated 5-fluorouracil in the treatment of proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Ophthalmic Surg 19:252-256, 1988.
- Schulman JA, Peyman GA: Intravitreal Liposomes. In Ernest JT (ed.) Year Book of Ophthalmology 1988. Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc, pp 154-159, 1988.
- Miller A, Joondeph B, Peyman GA, Fiscella R: Intravitreal toxicity of bovine cartilage extract (Catrix-S®): A biological response modifier. Ann Ophthalmol 20:100-104, 1988.
- Fiscella R, Peyman GA, Kimura A, Small G: Intravitreal toxicity of cotrimoxazole. Ophthalmic Surg 19:44-46, 1988.
- Kao GW, Pang P, Peyman GA, Weinreb RN: Prostaglandin E2 and protein release following Nd:YAG laser application to the anterior capsule of rabbit lens. Ophthalmic Surg 19:339-43, 1988.
- Peyman GA, Charles HC, Alghadyan A: Internal trans-pars plana filtering procedure in humans. Int Ophthalmol 11:159-62, 1988.
- Tawakol M, Peyman GA, Abou-Steit M: Internal pars plana sclerotomy with the contact Nd:YAG laser: An experimental study. Int Ophthalmol 11:175-80, 1988.
- Alghadyan AA, Peyman GA, Fizer C, Tawakol M, Liu K-R, Yue B, Peace JH: Regular silicone and fluorosilicone oil in the prevention of retinal detachment caused by experimental proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Int Ophthalmol 11:171-4, 1988.
- Peyman GA, Candel A: Experimental retinochoroidal tissue vaporization with a CO2 laser probe. Int Ophthalmol 11:163-9, 1988.
- Federman JL, Ando F, Peyman GA, et al: Contact lasers in ophthalmology. In Gitter KA, Schatz H, Yannuzzi LA, McDonald HR (eds): Laser Photocoagulation of Retinal Disease The (International Laser Symposium of the Macula, Carmel, CA, 1979). San Francisco, CA: Pacific Medical Press, pp 51-56, 1988.
- Katoh N, Peyman GA: Effects of various laser wavelengths on the retinal structures. In Gitter KA, Schatz H, Yannuzzi LA, McDonald HR, (eds): Laser Photocoagulation of Retinal Disease (The International Laser Symposium of the Macula, Carmel, CA, 1979). San Francisco, CA: Pacific Medical Press, pp 19-30, 1988.
- Khoobehi B, Peyman GA, McTurnan WG, Niesman MR, Magin RL: Externally triggered release of dye and drugs from liposomes into the eye: An in vitro and in vivo study. Ophthalmology 95:950-5, 1988.
- Peyman GA, Koziol J: Age-related macular degeneration and its management. J Cataract Refract Surg 14:421-30, 1988.
- Grossman SA, Peyman GA: Long-term visual results after pars plicata lensectomy-vitrectomy for congenital cataracts. Br J Ophthalmol 72:601-6, 1988.
- Peyman GA: A new wide-angle irrigating contact lens for pars plana vitrectomy. Can J Ophthalmol 23:150, 1988.
- Insler MS, Mani H, Peyman GA: A new surgical technique for dislocated posterior chamber intraocular lenses. Ophthalmic Surg 19:480-1, 1988.
- Katoh N, Peyman GA: Effects of laser wavelengths on experimental retinal detachments and retinal vessels. Jpn J Ophthalmol 32:196-210, 1988.
- Higginbotham EJ, Kao G, Peyman GA: Internal sclerostomy with the Nd:YAG contact laser versus thermal sclerostomy in rabbits. Ophthalmology 95:385-390, 1988.
- Nikoleit JR, Peyman GA, Lagouros P, Fiscella R: Retinal toxicity of intravitreal ethyldeoxyuridine and zinc. Ann Ophthalmol 20:385-387, 1988.
- Carney M, Kao G, Peyman GA, Fiscella R, Staneck J: The intraocular penetration and retinal toxicity of teicoplanin. Ophthalmic Surg 19:119-123, 1988.
- Alghadyan AA, Peyman GA, Khoobehi B, Milner S, Liu K-R: Liposome-bound cyclosporine: Aqueous and vitreous level after subconjunctival injection. Int Ophthalmol 12:101-104, 1988.
- Alghadyan AA, Peyman GA, Khoobehi B, Liu K-R: Liposome-bound cyclosporine: Retinal toxicity after intravitreal injection. Int Ophthalmol 12:105-107, 1988.
- Alghadyan AA, Peyman GA, Khoobehi B, Milner S, Liu K-R: Liposome-bound cyclosporine: Clearance after intravitreal injection. Int Ophthalmol 12:109-112, 1988.
- Tawakol ME, Peyman GA, Abou-Steit M: Wound healing strength: A comparative study of stainless steel blade excisions and contact Nd:YAG laser excisions. Int Ophthalmol 12:147-149, 1988.
- Peyman GA, Charles H: Internal eye wall resection in the management of uveal melanoma. Can J Ophthalmol 23:219-23, 1988.
- She S-C, Peyman GA, Schulman JA: Toxicity of intravitreal injection of foscarnet in the rabbit eye. Int Ophthalmol 12:151-154, 1988.
- Peyman GA: A technique for aspiration of preretinal hemorrhage after vitrectomy (Letter to the Editor). Retina 8:221, 1988.
- Insler MS, Kook MS, Mani H, Peyman GA: Citrobacter diversus endophthalmitis following penetrating keratoplasty. Am J Ophthalmol 106: 632-633, 1988.
- Schulman JA, Peyman GA: Management of viral retinitis. Ophthalmic Surg 19:876-884, 1988.
- Peyman GA, Charles HC, Liu K-R, Khoobehi B, Niesman MR: Intravitreal liposome-encapsulated drugs: A preliminary human report. Int Ophthalmol 12:175-182, 1988.
- Greenberg D, Peyman GA: Toxicity and clearance of superoxide dismatuse in the rabbit eye. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 7:5-6, 1988.
- Mani H, Peyman GA, Leff SI: Intraocular meningothelial meningiomas. Int Ophthalmol 12:207-211, 1988.
- Zlioba A, Peyman GA, Nikoleit J: Retinal toxicity study of intravitreal carboplatin and iproplatin. Ann Ophthalmol 20:71-72, 1988.
- Schulman JA, Peyman GA: Surgical management of ectopia lentis. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 7:1-4, 1988.
- Alghadyan AA, Peyman GA, Khoobehi B, Alkan H, Fizer C: Intravitreal injection of liposome-encapsulated penicillin: Toxicity and clearance. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 7:40-42, 1988.
- Alghadyan AA, Peyman GA, Khoobehi B: Intravitreal injection of liposome-encapsulated penicillin for the treatment of bacterial endophthalmitis. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 7:43-45, 1988.
- Schulman JA, Peyman GA: Lensectomy and vitrectomy in the treatment of chronic uveitis. Ophthalmic Practice 6:154,180-182, 1988.
- Joondeph BC, Peyman GA, Khoobehi B: Liposome-encapsulated 5-fluorouracil: A new approach to PVR. In Freeman HM, Tolentino FI (ed.) Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy (PVR) Springer-Verlag, 1988.
- Peyman GA: El laser de contacto de ND:YAG en optalmologia. Arch Oftal de Bs As 63:213-218, 1988.
- Peyman GA: An illuminated air-fluid switch for vitrectomy. Retina 8:288, 1988.
- Schulman JA, Peyman GA: Ectopia lentis. In Spaeth GL and Katz LJ (eds.) Current Therapy in Ophthalmic Surgery. Toronto, B.C. Decker, Inc., pp 150-154, 1989.
- Peyman GA: What’s new in surgery 1989: Ophthalmology. Bull Am Coll Surg 74:15-17, 1989.
- Tawakol ME, Peyman GA, Liu K-R, Kaufman HE: Gore-TexTM soft tissue bands as scleral explants in rabbits: A preliminary histologic study. Ophthalmic Surg 20:199-201, 1989.
- Nabih M, Peyman GA, Clark LC Jr, Hoffman RE, Miceli M, Abou-Steit M, Tawakol M, Liu K-R: Experimental evaluation of perfluorophenanthrene as a high specific gravity vitreous substitute: A preliminary report. Ophthalmic Surg 20:286-293, 1989.
- Oncel M, Peyman GA, Khoobehi B: Tissue plasminogen activator in the treatment of experimental retinal vein occlusion. Retina 9:1-7, 1989.
- Zeimer R, Khoobehi B, Peyman GA, Niesman MR, Magin RL: Feasibility of blood flow measurement by externally controlled dye delivery. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 30:660-667, 1989.
- Khoobehi B, Peyman GA, Niesman MR, Oncel M: Measurement of retinal blood velocity and flow rate in primates using a liposome-dye system. Ophthalmology 96:905-912, 1989.
- Liu K-R, Peyman GA, She SC, Niesman MR, Khoobehi B: Reduced toxicity of intravitreally injected liposome-encapsulated cytarabine. Ophthalmic Surg 20:358-361, 1989.
- Peyman GA, Baziuk N, Liu K-R, Gremillion CM, Nabih M, Clark L, Naguib K: Recent developments in vitreous substitutes. In: Youn DH, Rhee SW, Lee J: XII Transactions of the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology. Seoul, Korea, pp 211-215, 1989.
- Peyman GA, Gremillion CM, Fang T, Baziuk N: Internal resection of chorioretinal lesions. In: Youn DH, Rhee SW, Lee J: XII Transactions of the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology. Seoul, Korea, pp 59-66, 1989.
- Tawakol ME, Schulman JA, Peyman GA, Khoobehi B, Alkan H, Nabih MN: Intravitreal penetration of subconjunctivally administered liposome-encapsulated ganciclovir in the primate. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 7:113-115, 1989.
- Pang MP, Peyman GA, Minatoya HK: Posterior chamber lens implantation following pars plana lensectomy and vitrectomy in severe proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Can J Ophthalmol 24:175-178, 1989.
- Liu K-R, Peyman GA, Khoobehi B: Efficacy of liposome-bound amphotericin B for the treatment of experimental fungal endophthalmitis in rabbits. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 30:1527-1534, 1989.
- Semple HC, Liu JC, Peyman GA: Intravitreal injection of piperacillin. Ophthalmic Surg 20:588-590, 1989.
- Peyman GA: An alarm system to indicate air-fluid level in the irrigating bottle. Arch Ophthalmol 107:1250-51, 1989.
- Khoobehi B, Niesman MR, Peyman GA, Oncel M: Repetitive, selective angiography of individual vessels of the retina. Retina 9:87-96, 1989.
- Gremillion CM, Peyman GA: Posterior relaxing retinotomy. Ophthalmic Surg 20:655-657, 1989.
- Peyman GA, Badaro RM, Khoobehi B: Corneal ablation in rabbits using an infrared (2.9 m) erbium:YAG laser. Ophthalmology 96:1160-1170, 1989.
- Tawakol ME, Peyman GA, Oncel M, Khoobehi B: External limbal sclerostomy with contact Nd:YAG laser versus surgical knife. Int Ophthalmol 13:205-208, 1989.
- Rao VS, Peyman GA, Khoobehi B, Vangipuram S: Evaluation of liposome-encapsulated clindamycin in Staphylococcus aureus endophthalmitis. Int Ophthalmol 13:181-185, 1989.
- Liu K-R, Peyman GA, Myers JD, Hamlin SA, Katoh N: Applications of combination wavelength 1060-nm and 530-nm and pulsed Nd:YAG laser for contact laser surgery. Jpn J Ophthalmol 33:43-46, 1989.
- Peyman GA, Schulman JA, Khoobehi B, Alkan H, Tawakol ME, Mani H: Toxicity and clearance of a combination of liposome-encapsulated ganciclovir and trifluridine. Retina 9:232-236, 1989.
- Liu K-R, Peyman GA, Miceli MV: Experimental evaluation of low-viscosity fluorosilicone oil as a temporary vitreous substitute. Ophthalmic Surg 20:720-725, 1989.
- Beyer CF, Peyman GA, Hill JM: Expulsive choroidal hemorrhage in rabbits: A histopathologic study. Arch Ophthalmol 107:1648-1653, 1989.
- Peyman GA: A combination pick and flute needle. Arch Ophthalmol 107:1687, 1989.
- Schulman J, Peyman G, Dietlein J, Fiscella R, Colantino B: Ocular toxicity after intravitreal injection of terconazole. Ann Ophthalmol 21:345-347, 1989.
- Schulman JA, Peyman GA: Syphilitic gummatous iridocyclitis. Ann Ophthalmol 21:333-336, 1989.
- Liu K-R, Peyman GA, Mafee MF, Yu D-Y: False positive magnetic resonance imaging of a choroidal nevus simulating choroidal melanoma. Int Ophthalmol 13:265-268, 1989.
- Khoobehi B, Peyman GA, Niesman MR, Oncel M: Hyperthermia and temperature-sensitive liposomes: Selective delivery of drugs into the eye. Jpn J Ophthalmol 33:405-412, 1989.
- Peyman GA, Schulman JA: Intravitreal drug therapy. Jpn J Ophthalmol 33:392-404, 1989.
- Peyman GA, Gremillion C: Eye wall resection in the management of uveal neoplasms. Jpn J Ophthalmol 33:458-471, 1989.
- Vainisi SJ, Peyman GA, Wolf ED, West CS: Treatment of serous retinal detachments associated with optic disk pits in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 195:1233-1236, 1989.
- Fishman P, Peyman GA, Hendricks R, Hui SL: Liposome- encapsulated 3H-5FU in rabbits. Int Ophthalmol 13:361-365, 1989.
- Badaro R, Koziol J, Peyman G: Methane plasma as a protective coating on intraocular lenses: an in vitro study. Int Ophthalmol 13:357-360, 1989.
- Schulman JA, Peyman GA, Dietlein J, Fiscella R: Toxicity of intravitreal oxiconazole. Int Ophthalmol 13:201-203, 1989.
- Baudouin C, Gastaud P, Gordon B, Lapalus P, Bazan NG, Righini M, Peyman GA: Etude immunohistologique des membranes épirétiennes au cours de la rétinopathie diabétique proliférative et du décollement de rétine avec prolifération vitréo-rétinienne. Ophtalmologie 4:53-55, 1990.
- Baudouin C, Gordon WC, Fredj-Reygrobellet D, Baudouin F, Peyman GA, Gastaud P, Bazan NG: Class II antigen expression in diabetic preretinal membranes. Am J Ophthalmol 109:70-74, 1990.
- Khoobehi B, Char CA, Peyman GA: Assessment of laser induced release of drugs from liposomes: An in vitro study. Lasers Surg Med 10:60-65, 1990.
- Peyman GA: Internal retinal biopsy: Surgical technique and results. Int Ophthalmol 14:101-104, 1990.
- Schulman JA, Peyman G, Coats M: Toxicity of intravitreal fluconazole in rabbits: an extended abstract. Rev Infect Dis 12:(suppl 3) S303, 1990.
- Fang T, Naguib KS, Peyman GA, Khoobehi B: Comparative study of three fluorescent dyes for angiography: sodium fluorescein, carboxyfluorescein and calcein. Ophthalmic Surg 21:250-257, 1990.
- Schulman JA, Peyman GA: Metastatic fungal endophthalmitis. In Gold DH, Weingeist TA (eds): The Eye in Systemic Disease. JB Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1990, pp 203-205.
- Liu J, Peyman G, Oncel M: Treatment of experimental suprachoroidal hemorrhage with intravenous tissue plasminogen activator. Int Ophthalmol 14:267-270, 1990.
- Diabetic Retinopathy Vitrectomy Study Research Group: Early vitrectomy for severe vitreous hemorrhage in diabetic retinopathy: Four-year results of a randomized trial: Diabetic Retinopathy Study Report 5. Arch Ophthalmol 108:958-964, 1990.
- Khoobehi B, Char CA, Peyman GA, Schuele KM: Study of the mechanisms of laser-induced release of liposome-encapsulated dye. Lasers Surg Med 10:303-309, 1990.
- Oncel M, Khoobehi B, Peyman GA: Calcein angiography: A preliminary report on an experimental dye. Int Ophthalmol 14:245-250, 1990.
- Peyman GA, Gremillion CM Jr: Surgical removal of a branch retinal artery embolus: A case report. Int Ophthalmol 14:295-298, 1990.
- Boyd BF, Peyman GA: Endophthalmitis I. Highlights of Ophthalmology 18:(5)5-10, 1990.
- Boyd BF, Peyman GA: Endophthalmitis II. Highlights of Ophthalmology 18:(6)1,6-9, 1990.
- Khoobehi B, Schuele KM, Ali OM, Peyman GA: Measurement of circulation time in the retinal vasculature using selective angiography. Ophthalmology 97:1061-1070, 1990.
- Heigle TJ, Peyman GA: Retinal toxicity of intravitreal ticarcillin.; Ophthalmic Surg 21:563-565, 1990.
- Paris CL, Peyman GA, Blinder KJ, Erickson P: A new macula lens. Ophthalmic Surg 21:659-660, 1990.
- Liu J, Peyman GA, Oncel M: Treatment of experimental suprachoroidal hemorrhage with subconjunctival injection of tissue plasminogen activator: a negative report. Ophthalmic Surg 21:641-643, 1990.
- Khoobehi B, Aly OM, Schuele K, Stradtmann MO, Peyman GA: Determination of retinal blood velocity with respect to the cardiac cycle using laser-triggered release of liposome-encapsulated dye. Lasers Surg Med 10:469-475, 1990.
- Baudouin C, Fredj-Reygrobellet, Gordon WC, Baudouin F, Peyman GA, Lapalus P, Gastaud P, Bazan NG: Immunohistological study of epiretinal membranes in proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Am J Ophthalmol 110:593-598, 1990.
- Peyman GA, Naguib KS, Gaasterland D: Transscleral application of semiconductor diode laser. Lasers Surg Med 10:569-575, 1990.
- Khoobehi B, Stradtmann MO, Peyman GA, Aly OM: Clearance of fluorescein incorporated into microspheres from the cornea and aqueous after subconjunctival injection. Ophthalmic Surg 21:840-844, 1990.
- Shahsavari M, Peyman GA, Niesman MR: Retinal toxicity and in vitro efficacy study of cilofungin (LY121019). Ophthalmic Surg 21:726-728, 1990.
- Gremillion CM Jr, Peyman GA, Liu KR, Naguib KS: Fluorosilicone oil in the treatment of retinal detachment. Br J Ophthalmol 74:643-646, 1990.
- Peyman GA: A miniaturized vitrectomy system for vitreous and retinal biopsy. Can J Ophthalmol 25:285-286, 1990.
- Carney MD, Tessler HH, Peyman GA, Goldberg MF, Williams DP: Sympathetic ophthalmia and subretinal neovascularization, Ann Ophthalmol 22:184-186, 1990.
- Schulman JA, Fiscella RG, Peyman GA, Banihashemi A: Infectious endophthalmitis. Current Opinion in Ophthalmology 1:389-395, 1990.
- Yu D-Y, Cohen SB, Peyman G, Tso MOM: Mesectodermal leiomyoma of the ciliary body: New evidence for neural crest origin. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus 27:317-321, 1990.
- Weinreb RN, Yue BY, Peyman GA: Effects of ultraviolet irradiation on prostaglandin-E2 production by cultured corneal stromal cells. Exp Eye Res 51:447-450, 1990.
- Rodriguez de Turco EB, Gordon WC, Peyman GA, Bazan NG: Preferential uptake and metabolism of docasahexaenoic acid in membrane phospholipids of rod and cone photoreceptor cells of human and monkey retinas. J Neurosci Res 27:522-532, 1990.
- Peyman GA: Vitrectomy retinotomy aspiration biopsy of choroidal tumors (Letter). Am J Ophthalmol 111:232, 1991.
- Cho HK, Kozu H, Peyman GA, Parry GJ, Khoobehi B: The effect of aminoguanidine on the blood-retinal barrier in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Ophthalmic Surg 22:44-47, 1991.
- Baziuk N, Fang T, Peyman GA, Gremillion CM Jr: Intravitreal recombinant tissue plasminogen activator in the treatment of experimentally induced bacterial endophthalmitis. Int Ophthalmol 15:79-86, 1991.
- Schulman JA, Peyman GA, Dietlein J, Fiscella R: Ocular toxicity of experimental intravitreal itraconazole. Int Ophthalmol 15:21-24, 1991.
- Peyman GA, Blinder KJ, Paris CL, Alturki W, Nelson NC Jr, Desai U: A technique for retinal pigment epithelium transplantation for age-related macular degeneration secondary to extensive subfoveal scarring. Ophthalmic Surg 22:102-108, 1991.
- Khoobehi B, Stradtmann MO, Peyman GA, Aly OM:; Clearance of sodium fluorescein incorporated into microspheres from the vitreous after intravitreal injection. Ophthalmic Surg 22:175-180, 1991.
- Paris CL, Peyman GA, Gremillion CM Jr, Blinder KJ: Intravitreal dexamethasone following vitreous surgery. Int Ophthalmol 15:173-174, 1991.
- Paris CL, Peyman GA, Breen C, Blinder KJ: Neonatal macular hemorrhage. Int Ophthalmol 15:153-155, 1991.
- Blinder KJ, Peyman GA, Paris CL, Dailey JP, Alturki W, Liu KR, Gremillion CM Jr, Clark LC Jr: Vitreon®, a new perfluorocarbon. Br J Ophthalmol 75:240-244, 1991.
- Koutsandrea CN, Miceli MV, Peyman GA, Farahat HG, Niesman MR: Ciprofloxacin and dexamethasone inhibit proliferation of human retinal pigment epithelial cells in culture. Curr Eye Res 10:249-258, 1991.
- Bannan RA, Dailey JP, Peyman GA: Multifactorial proliferative retinopathy. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 9:127-128, 1991.
- Alghadyan AA, Peyman GA, Quarain AA, Rihan T: Silicone in Ophthalmology. Saudi Bulletin of Ophthalmology 5:26-39, 1991.
- Nabih M, Peyman GA, Tawakol ME, Naguib K: Toxicity of high-dose intravitreal dexamethasone. Int Ophthalmol 15:233-235, 1991.
- Blinder KJ, Peyman GA, Paris CL, Gremillion CM Jr: Submacular scar excision in age-related macular degeneration. Int Ophthalmol 15:215-222, 1991.
- Peyman GA, Beyer C, Kuszak J, Khoobehi B, Shahsavari M, Badaro R: Long-term effect of erbium-YAG laser (2.9 m) on the primate cornea. Int Ophthalmol 15:249-258, 1991.
- Peyman GA, Cruz SA, Ruiz-Lapuente C: Contact diode laser application through a fiberoptic cutting tip. Lasers Surg Med 11:347-350, 1991.
- Liu K-R, Peyman GA, Chen M-S, Chang K-B: Use of high-density vitreous substitutes in the removal of posteriorly dislocated lenses or intraocular lenses. Ophthalmic Surg 22:503-507, 1991.
- Paris CL, Peyman GA, Blinder KJ, Alturki W, Dailey JP, Barron BA: Surgical technique for managing rhegmatogenous retinal detachment following prosthokeratoplasty. Retina 11:301-304, 1991.
- Peyman GA, Nelson NC Jr, Alturki W, Blinder KJ, Paris CL, Desai UR, Harper CA III: Tissue plasminogen activating factor assisted removal of subretinal hemorrhage. Ophthalmic Surg 22:575-582, 1991.
- Bahgat M, Anis HH, Farahat HG, Peyman GA, Parry GJ, Khoobehi B: Effect of piroxicam on the blood-retina barrier in experimentally induced diabetes in rats. Int Ophthalmol 15:335-341, 1991.
- Peyman GA, Conway MD, Soike KF, Clark LC Jr: Long-term vitreous replacement in primates with intravitreal Vitreon® or Vitreon® plus silicone. Ophthalmic Surg 22:657-664, 1991.
- Schulman JA, Peyman GA: Diabetic eye disease. Healthline. 2-5, Fourth quarter 1991.
- Desai U, Peyman GA, Alturki W, Nelson NC Jr, Blinder KJ, Paris CL: Subretinal neovascular membrane as a complication of transscleral diathermy in pars planitis. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 10:32-34, 1991.
- Dharma S, Bazan HEP, Peyman GA, Atef MSE: Production of platelet-activating factor in photocoagulated retinas. Curr Eye Res 10:1031-1035, 1991.
- Peyman GA, Blinder KJ, Liu KR, Paris CL, Shahsavari M, Dailey JP: Perfluorophenanthrene: A new vitreous substitute. In: Khoo CY, Ang BC, Cheah WM, Chew PTK, Lim ASM (eds): New Frontiers in Ophthalmology. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, BV, pp 605-607, 1991.
- Peyman GA, Paris CL, Blinder KJ, Dailey JP: Surgical treatment of melanomas. In: Khoo CY et al, (eds): New Frontiers in Ophthalmology. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, BV, pp 599-601, 1991.
- Peyman GA, Charles H, Raichand M: Internal resection of intraocular tumors. In Bornfeld N, Gragoudas ES, Höpping W, Lommatzsch PK, Wessing A, Zografos L (eds): Tumors of the Eye. Amsterdam: Kugler Publications, pp 571-574, 1991.
- Peyman GA, Blinder KJ, Paris CL, Alturki W, Federman JL, Liu KR, Clark LC Jr: Vitreon®: A new perfluorocarbon vitreous substitute. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 10:48-57, 1991.
- Anis HH, Bahgat M, Peyman GA, Farahat HG, Parry GJ, Khoobehi B: Effect of pyridoxine on the blood-retinal barrier in experimentally induced diabetes in rats. Can J Ophthalmol 26:354-357, 1991.
- Baudouin C, Fredj-Reygrobellet D, Peyman GA, Lapalus P, Gordon B, Bazan NG, Gastaud P: Etude immunohistologique des membranes néovasculaires sous-rétiniennes au cours des dégénérescences maculaires liées à l’âge. Ophthalmologie 5:61-64, 1991.
- SOCA Research Group: Mortality in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome treated with either foscarnet or ganciclovir for cytomegalovirus retinitis: Studies of ocular complications of AIDS research group, in collaboration with the AIDS clinical trials group. N Engl J Med 326:213-220, 1992.
- Khoobehi B, Peyman GA, Vo K: Laser-triggered repetitive fluorescein angiography. Ophthalmology 99:72-79, 1992.
- Pang MP, Branchflower RV, Chang AT, Peyman GA, Blatt H, Minatoya HK: Half-life and vitreous clearance of trifluorothymidine after intravitreal injection in the rabbit eye. Can J Ophthalmol 27:6-9, 1992.
- Peyman GA: Aminoglycoside toxicity (Letter). Arch Ophthalmol 110:446, 1992.
- Coats ML, Peyman GA: Intravitreal corticosteroids in the treatment of exogenous fungal endophthalmitis. Retina 12:46-51, 1992.
- Peyman GA: Residual intrascleral and intraretinal melanoma: A concern with lamellar sclerouvectomy for uveal melanoma (letter). Am J Ophthalmol 113:467, 1992.
- Baziuk N, Gremillion CM Jr, Peyman GA, Cho HK: Collagen shields and intraocular drug delivery: Concentration of gentamicin in the aqueous and vitreous of a rabbit eye after lensectomy and vitrectomy. Int Ophthalmol 16:101-107, 1992.
- Peyman GA, Conway M, Khoobehi B, Soike K: Clearance of microsphere-entrapped 5-fluorouracil and cytosine arabinoside from the vitreous of primates. Int Ophthalmol 16:109-113, 1992.
- Peyman GA, D’Amico DJ, Alturki WA:; An endolaser probe with aspiration capability. Arch Ophthalmol 110:718, 1992.
- Studies of Ocular Complications of AIDS (SOCA) Research Group in collaboration with the AIDS Trials Group (ACTG): Studies of ocular complications of AIDS foscarnet-ganciclovir cytomegalovirus retinitis trial: 1. Rationale, design, and methods. Controlled Clinical Trials 13:22-39, 1992.
- Desai UR, Peyman GA, Blinder KJ, Alturki WA, Paris CL, Nelson NC Jr: Orbital extension of a sinus lymphoma in an AIDS patient. Jpn J Ophthalmol 36:205-214, 1992.
- Niesman MR, Khoobehi B, Peyman GA: Encapsulation of sodium fluorescein for dye release studies. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 33:2113-2119, 1992.
- Peyman GA, Lee KJ: Multifunction endolaser probe (letter). Am J Ophthalmol 114:103-104, 1992.
- Lee KJ, Peyman GA, Paris CL, Alturki WA, Desai UR: Management of retinal detachment associated with choroidal coloboma using perfluoroperhydrophenanthrene (Vitreon®). Ophthalmic Surg 23:553-554, 1992.
- Karaçorlu S, Peyman GA, Karaçorlu M, Dunlap W, Soike KF: Retinal toxicity of 6-methoxypurine arabinoside (Ara-M): A new selective and potent inhibitor of varicella-zoster virus. Retina 12:261-264, 1992.
- Peyman GA, Alturki WA, Nelson NC Jr: Surgical management of incarcerated retina in the sclerotomy. Ophthalmic Surg 23:628-629, 1992.
- Blinder KJ, Peyman GA, Desai UR, Nelson NC Jr, Alturki W, Paris CL: Vitreon, a short-term vitreoretinal tamponade. Br J Ophthalmol 76:525-528, 1992.
- Peyman GA, Mehta NJ: Subretinal diathermy probe (letter). Am J Ophthalmol 114:508-509, 1992.
- Cruz SA, Karaçorlu M, Peyman GA: Retinal toxicity of intravitreal lazaroid (21-aminosteroid U75412E). Int Ophthalmol 16:153-157, 1992.
- Desai UR, Peyman GA, Alturki WA, Nelson NC Jr: Ophthalmic uses of tissue plasminogen activator. Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology 6:130-134, 1992.
- Alturki WA, Peyman GA, Paris CL, Blinder KJ, Desai UR, Nelson NC Jr: Posterior relaxing retinotomies: Analysis of anatomic and visual results. Ophthalmic Surg 23:685-688, 1992.
- Desai UR, Peyman GA, Chen CJ, Nelson NC Jr, Alturki WA, Blinder KJ, Paris CL: Use of perfluoroperhydrophenanthrene in the management of suprachoroidal hemorrhages. Ophthalmology 99:1542-1547, 1992.
- Khoobehi B, Peyman GA, Bhatt N, Moshfeghi D: Laser-induced experimental vascular occlusion using liposome-encapsulated ADP. Lasers Surg Med 12:609-614, 1992.
- Peyman GA, Rahimy MH: In reply: Intravitreal aminoglycoside toxicity revisited (letter). Arch Ophthalmol 110:1684, 1992.
- Peyman GA, Lee KJ: Reply to Dr. Stanley Chang’s letter about endolaser probe with aspirating capability. Am J Ophthalmol 114:648-649, 1992.
- Baudouin C, Peyman GA, Fredj-Reygrobellet D, Gordon WC, Lapalus P, Gastaud P, Bazan NG: Immunohistological study of subretinal membranes in age-related macular degeneration. Jpn J Ophthalmol 36:443-451, 1992.
- Peyman GA: Reply to Refojo MF, Araiz J, Arroyo M, Tolentino FI: The refractive index of Vitreon® (letter). Ophthalmic Surg 23:436, 1992.
- Schulman JA, Peyman GA: Intravitreal corticosteroids as an adjunct in the treatment of bacterial and fungal endophthalmitis: A review. Retina 12:336-340, 1992.
- Peyman GA, Conway MD, Karaçorlu M, Soike KF, Bhatt N, Clark LC Jr, Hoffmann RE: Evaluation of silicone gel as a long-term vitreous substitute in non-human primates. Ophthalmic Surg 23:811-817, 1992.
- Karaçorlu MA, Peyman GA, Cruz S, Soike KF: Lack of toxicity of intravitreally administered interferon alpha-2a. Ophthalmic Surg 23: 833-835, 1992.
- Peyman GA, Nelson NC Jr, Paris CL, Blinder KJ, Alturki WA, Desai U: Internal choroidectomy of posterior uveal melanomas under a retinal flap. Int Ophthalmol 16:439-444, 1992.
- Karaçorlu MA, Peyman GA, Cruz SAS, Dunlap WA, Bhatt N, Karaçorlu S, Parry GJ: Effect of 21-aminosteroid (lazaroid) lipid peroxidation inhibitor (U75412E) on the blood-retinal barrier in experimentally induced diabetes in rats. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 11:200-202, 1992.
- Schulman JA, Peyman GA: Intracameral, intravitreal, and retinal drug delivery. In: Mitra AK (ed): Ophthalmic Drug Delivery Systems. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc, pp 383-425, 1993.
- Bhatt N, Peyman GA, Khoobehi B, Golshani MR: Microwave-induced retinal destruction with sparing of sclera and choriocapillaris. Ophthalmic Surg 24:125-128, 1993.
- Schulman JA, Peyman GA, Blinder KJ, Alturki WA, Desai UR, Nelson NC Jr: Management of giant retinal tears with perfluoroperhydrophenanthrene (Vitreon®). Jpn J Ophthalmol 37:70-77, 1993.
- Peyman GA, Nelson NC Jr, Blinder KJ, Alturki WA, Desai UR, Paris CL: Autologous transplantation of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 12:237-244, 1993.
- Peyman GA, Lee KJ, Nelson NC Jr, Ma PE: Bimanual technique of subfoveal neovascular membrane removal in presumed ocular histoplasmosis. Int Ophthalmol 17:43-46, 1993.
- Peyman GA, Mehta NJ: Intravitreal infusion-aspiration instrument for silicone oil-perfluorocarbon liquid exchange (Letter).; Retina 13:177-178, 1993.
- Torbati D, Wafapoor H, Peyman GA: Hyperbaric oxygen tolerance in the newborn mammals: hypothesis on mechanisms and outcome. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 14:695-703, 1993.
- Millsap CM, Peyman GA, Mehta NJ: Perfluoroperhydrophenanthrene (Vitreon®) is radiopaque (letter). Ophthalmic Surg 24:500, 1993.
- Lee KJ, Peyman GA: Surgical management of retinal detachment associated with optic nerve pit. Int Ophthalmol 17:105-107, 1993.
- Karaçorlu MA, Peyman GA, Cruz SAS: Effect of contact diode laser on the cornea with and without absorbing dye. Int Ophthalmol 17:89-93, 1993.
- Borhani H, Peyman GA, Wafapoor H: Use of vancomycin in vitrectomy infusion solution and evaluation of retinal toxicity. Int Ophthalmol 17:85-88, 1993.
- Desai UR, Peyman GA, Harper CA III: Perfluorocarbon liquid in traumatic vitreous hemorrhage and retinal detachment. Ophthalmic Surg 24:537-541, 1993.
- Greve MDJ, Peyman GA, Mehta NJ, Millsap CM: Use of perfluoroperhydrophenanthrene in the management of posteriorly dislocated crystalline and intraocular lenses. Ophthalmic Surg 24:593-597, 1993.
- Lee KJ, Peyman GA, Raichand S: Internal eye wall resection for posterior uveal melanoma. Jpn J Ophthalmol 37:287-292, 1993.
- Tanji TM, Peyman GA, Mehta NJ, Millsap CM: Perfluoroperhydrophenanthrene (Vitreon®) as a short-term vitreous substitute after complex vitreoretinal surgery. Ophthalmic Surg 24:681-685, 1993.
- Ma PE, Peyman GA: Uveal Biopsy. In: Duane’s Clinical Ophthalmology. JB Lippincott, Philadelphia, pp 1-13, 1993.
- Millsap CM, Peyman GA, Mehta NJ, Greve MDJ, Lee KJ, Ma PE, Dunlap WA: Perfluoroperhydrophenanthrene (Vitreon) in the management of giant retinal tears: results of a collaborative study. Ophthalmic Surg 24:759-763, 1993.
- Peyman GA, Khoobehi B, Shamsnia S, Navarro G: Fundus laser coagulation using video system of scanning laser ophthalmoscope. Lasers Surg Med 13:680-684, 1993.
- Borhani H, Peyman GA, Rahimy MH, Beuerman RW: Vitreoretinal toxicity of basic fibroblast growth factor. Int Ophthalmol 17:195-199, 1993.
- Oncel M, Peyman GA: Intravitreal penetration of oral pefloxacin in humans. Int Ophthalmol 17:217-222, 1993.
- Niesman MR, Farahat HGE, Peyman GA, Miceli MV: The effectiveness of three liposome-encapsulated antimetabolites for the treatment of PVR in rabbits. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 12:315-323, 1993.
- Peyman GA, Lee KJ:; A new contact lens to aid pars plana vitrectomy using a temporary keratoprosthesis (letter). Retina 13:355, 1993.
- Conway MD, Peyman GA, Karaçorlu M, Bhatt N, Soike KF, Clark LC Jr, Hoffmann RE: Perfluorooctylbromide (PFOB) as a vitreous substitute in non-human primates. Int Ophthalmol 17:259-264, 1993.
- Bhatt N, Peyman GA, Karaçorlu M: Scleral damage: Comparison of standard and modified diathermy electrodes. Int Ophthalmol 17:255-258, 1993.
- Peyman GA, Ma PE, Lee KJ: Endoaspirating brush (letter). Can J Ophthalmol 28:348, 1993.
- Mehta NJ, Peyman GA: Evaluation of extended light picks. Retina 13:274, 1993.
- Harper CA III, Khoobehi B, Peyman GA, Gebhardt BM, Dunlap WA: Bioavailability of microsphere-entrapped cyclosporine A in the cornea and aqueous of rabbits. Int Ophthalmol 17:337-340, 1993.
- Golshani MR, Khoobehi B, Peyman GA: Calcein: A new dye for evaluation of the blood-retinal barrier by fluorophotometry. Int Ophthalmol 17:349-353, 1993.
- Khoobehi B, Peyman GA, Moshfeghi D, Kizhakkethara I: Effect of ADP-encapsulated liposomes on experimental iris melanoma. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 12:345-348, 1993.
- Philipp MT, Aydintug MK, Bohm RP Jr, Cogswell FB, Dennis VA, Lanners HN, Lowrie RC Jr, Roberts ED, Conway MD, Karaçorlu M, Peyman G, Gubler DJ, Johnson BJ, Piesman J, Gu Y: Early and early disseminated phases of Lyme disease in the rhesus monkey: a model for infection in humans. Infect Immun 61:3047-3059, 1993.
- Updegraff SA, Peyman GA, McDonald MB: Pupillary block during cataract surgery. Am J Ophthalmol 117:328-332, 1994.
- Peyman GA, Rahimy MH, Fernandes ML: Effects of morphine on corneal sensitivity and epithelial wound healing: Implications for topical ophthalmic analgesic. Br J Ophthalmol 78:138-141, 1994.
- Blinder KJ, Peyman GA, Paris CL: Diffuse posterior punctate pigment epitheliopathy. Retina 14:31-35, 1994.
- Borhani H, Rahimy MH, Peyman GA: Vitreoretinal toxicity of acetazolamide following intravitreal administration in the rabbit eye. Ophthalmic Surg 25:166-169, 1994.
- Peyman GA, Lee KJ: A new subretinal forceps (letter). Retina 14:87-88, 1994.
- Peyman GA, Lee KJ: New forceps for preretinal membrane removal (letter). Retina 14:88-89, 1994.
- Dunlap WA, Karaçorlu M, Peyman GA, Nair MG, Rahimy M, Pedroza L: Retinal toxicity of intravitreal injection of faeriefungin. Ophthalmic Surg 25:303-306, 1994.
- Carroll BF, Peyman GA, Mehta NJ, Millsap CM, Greve MDJ, Dunlap WA, Lee KJ, Ma PE: Repair of retinal detachment associated with proliferative vitreoretinopathy using perfluoroperhydrophenanthrene (Vitreon®). Can J Ophthalmol 29:66-69, 1994.
- Santos FF, Nehemy MB, Bazan NG, Peyman GA: Modelo experimental para produção de descolamento de retinal regmatogênico. Rev Bras Oftalmol 53:7-10, 1994.
- Boyd BF, Peyman GA: Retinal detachment: Methods of fundus visualization, present role of scleral buckles, intraocular gas, perfluorocarbon liquids. Highlights of Ophthalmology 22:36-47, 1994.
- Peyman GA, Greve MDJ, Millsap CM: Silicone oil vs perfluoropropane gas as a postoperative retinal tamponade (letter). Arch Ophthalmol 112:728-729, 1994.
- Greve MDJ, Peyman GA, Millsap CM: Review of the ocular complications and toxicity of liquid perfluorocarbons. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 12:369-374, 1994.
- Soheilian M, Ahmadieh H, Sajjadi H, Azarmina M, Miratashi AM, Peyman GA: Temporary keratoprosthesis for surgical management of complicated combined anterior and posterior segment injuries to the eye: combat versus noncombat-injury cases. Ophthalmic Surg 25:452-457, 1994.
- Updegraff SA, Peyman GA, McDonald MB: Reply to Anderson CJ: Pupillary block during cataract surgery. Am J Ophthalmol 118:266-267, 1994.
- Golshani MR, Khoobehi B, Peyman GA, Aras C: Calcein fluorophotometry in streptozocin-induced diabetic rats. Ophthalmic Surg 25:526-531, 1994.
- Wafapoor H, Peyman GA: A new intraocular forceps for removal of subretinal scar and retinal pigment epithelial cell implantation. Can J Ophthalmol 29:159, 1994.
- Akula SK, Ma P, Peyman GA, Rahimy M, Hyslop NE Jr, Janney A, Ashton P: Treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis with intravitreal injection of liposome-encapsulated ganciclovir in a patient with AIDS. Br J Ophthalmol 78:677-680, 1994.
- Naguib KS, Peyman GA, Gaasterland D: Ciliary body destruction and retinopexy using diode laser. Middle Eastern Journal of Ophthalmology 2:84-88, 1994.
- Salah-Eldin M, Peyman GA, El-Aswad M, Bandok B, Bahgat MM, Niesman MR: Evaluation of toxicity and efficacy of a combination of antineoplastic agents in the prevention of PVR. Int Ophthalmol 18:53-60, 1994.
- Millsap CM, Peyman GA, Ma PE, Greve MDJ: The surgical management of retinopathy of prematurity using a perfluorocarbon liquid. Int Ophthalmol 18:97-100, 1994.
- Wafapoor H, Peyman GA, Moritera T: Contact diode laser: high power application through fiberoptic cutting tips. Int Ophthalmol 18:93-96, 1994.
- Rahimy MH, Peyman GA, Fernandes ML, El-Sayed SH, Luo Q, Borhani H: Effects of an intravitreal daunomycin implant on experimental proliferative vitreoretinopathy: Simultaneous pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluations. J Ocular Pharmacology 10:561-570, 1994.
- Khoobehi B, Peyman GA: Fluorescent vesicle system: A new technique for measuring blood flow in the retina. Ophthalmology 101:1716-1726, 1994.
- Lee KJ, Peyman GA: Technique and indications for endolaser coagulation in vitreous surgery. In: Benson WE, Coscas G, Katz LJ (eds): Current Techniques in Ophthalmic Laser Surgery. Current Medicine, Philadelphia, pp 93-97, 1994.
- Rahimy MH, Peyman GA, Chin SY, Golshani R, Aras C, Borhani H, Thompson H: Polysulfone capillary fiber for intraocular drug delivery: In vitro and in vivo evaluations. J Drug Targeting 2:289-298, 1994.
- Bhatt N, Peyman GA, Karaçorlu M, Conway MD, Soike KF, El-Sayed S: The effect of hybrid recombinant human interferon alpha A/D on corneal vascularization in a rat eye model. Saudi J Ophthalmol 8:128-130, 1994.
- Adile SL, Peyman GA, Greve MDJ, Millsap CM, Verma LK, Wafapoor H, Soheilian M: Postoperative chronic pressure abnormalities in the Vitreon study. Ophthalmic Surg 25:584-589, 1994.
- Peyman GA, Daun M: In my opinion: Prophylaxis of endophthalmitis. Ophthalmic Surg 25:671-674, 1994.
- Koziol JE, Peyman GA, Cionni R, Chou JS, Portney V, Sun R, Trentacost D: Evaluation and implantation of a teledioptric lens system for cataract and age-related macular degeneration. Ophthalmic Surg 25:675-684, 1994.
- Millsap CM, Peyman GA, Greve MDJ: Subretinal hemorrhage removal with multiple retinotomy sites in age-related macular degeneration. Ophthalmic Surg 25:723-725, 1994.
- Wafapoor H, Peyman GA: A new knife handle with a safe blade-release design for surgical and laboratory use. Ophthalmic Surg 25:739-740, 1994.
- Farahat HG, Niesman MR, Peyman GA, Saif SSEH, Nabih M: The comparative toxicity of three antiproliferative agents injected into the vitreous of rabbits. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 13:35-41, 1994.
- Verma LK, Peyman GA, Wafapoor H, Greve MDJ, Millsap CM, Adile SL, Vitreon Collaborative Study Group: An analysis of posterior segment complications after vitrectomy using the perfluorocarbon perfluoroperhydrophenanthrene (Vitreon®). Ophthalmic Surg 26:29-33, 1995.
- Yang D, Peyman GA, Fillacier K, Khoobehi B: Evaluation of in vitro drug release and in vivo tolerance of porous biodegradable reservoir device. 1995 Fourteenth Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference Transactions: 17-18, 1995.
- Peyman GA: LASIK: A personal viewpoint of its development. Ocular Surgery News, April 15, 1995: 5-6.
- Peyman GA, Schulman JA, Sullivan B: Perfluorocarbon liquids in ophthalmology. Surv Ophthalmol 39:375-395, 1995.
- Peyman GA: In reply: Effects of irrigation solutions on corneal endothelial function (letter). Br J Ophthalmol 79:506, 1995.
- Peyman GA: Choroidal hyperpermeability in central serous choroidopathy (CSC): A new concept? (letter) Arch Ophthalmol 113:701-702, 1995.
- Rifai A, Peyman GA, Daun M, Wafapoor H: Rifabutin-associated uveitis during prophylaxis for MAC infections. Arch Ophthalmol 113:707, 1995.
- Peyman GA, Bassili S: In my opinion: A practical guideline for management of endophthalmitis. Ophthalmic Surg 26:294-303, 1995.
- Greve MDJ, Peyman GA, Millsap CM: Direction and location of retinotomy for removal of subretinal neovascular membranes. Ophthalmic Surg 26:330-333, 1995.
- Soheilian M, Ahmadieh H, Afghan MH, Sajjadi SH, Peyman GA: Posterior segment triple surgery in traumatic eye injuries. Ophthalmic Surg 26:338-342, 1995.
- Peyman GA: In reply: Effects of morphine on corneal sensitivity and epithelial wound healing: Implications for topical ophthalmic analgesic. Br J Ophthalmol 79:710, 1995.
- Fillacier K, Peyman GA, Luo Q, Khoobehi B: Study of lymphocyte dynamics in the retinal circulation: Technique of labeling cells. Curr Eye Res 14:579-584, 1995.
- Peyman GA, Serracarbassa P: O fato patente. Oftalmologia EM Foco 11:28-29, 1995.
- Peyman GA, Ganiban GJ: Delivery systems for intraocular routes. Adv Drug Deliv Rev 16:107-123, 1995.
- Torbati D, Peyman GA, Wafapoor H, Shaibani SB, Khoobehi B: Experimental retinopathy by hyperbaric oxygenation. Undersea Hyperb Med 22:31-39, 1995.
- Soheilian M, Peyman GA, Moritera T, Wafapoor H: Experimental retinal tolerance to very low viscosity silicone oil (100 cs) as a vitreous substitute compared to higher viscosity silicone oil (5000 cs). Int Ophthalmol 19:57-61, 1995.
- Shahsavari M, Peyman GA, Niesman MR, Miceli MV, Jaynes J: Shiva-1: A new class of compounds for the treatment of intraocular proliferation and infection. Int Ophthalmol 19:29-34, 1995.
- Borhani H, Peyman GA, Rahimy MH, Thompson H: Suppression of proliferative vitreoretinopathy by sustained intraocular delivery of 5-FU. Int Ophthalmol 19:43-49, 1995.
- Peyman GA: Intraocular irrigating solutions (letter to the editor). Ophthalmology 102:1413-1414, 1995.
- Vierling S, Peyman GA: Prophylaxis of retinal detachment. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 14:6-11, 1995.
- Peyman GA, Mainster MA, Landers MB: A zoom lens for examination of the vitreous and retina. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 26:487-488, 1995.
- Torbati D, Peyman GA, Rodriguez JA, Navarro GC: Modulation of sensitivity to hyperbaric oxygenation by CO2 in newborn rats. Undersea Hyperb Med 22:209-218, 1995.
- Cohen RA, Peyman GA: Management of experimental corneal lacerations with the use of corneal topography. Afro-Asian J Ophthalmol 14:26-28, 1995.
- Modarres Zadeh M, Parvaresh MM, Pourbabak S, Peyman GA: Accidental parafoveal laser burn from a standard military ruby rangefinder. Retina 15:356-358, 1995.
- Peyman GA: Vitreoretinal diseases: Pathologic aspects and therapeutic strategies. In: Reddy IK (ed): Ocular Therapeutics and Drug Delivery: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach. Technomic Publishing Co, Lancaster, PA, pp 265-282, 1996.
- Wafapoor H, Peyman GA: A new instrument (forceps/scissors) for preretinal membrane peeling, segmentation. Arch Ophthalmol 114:99, 1996.
- SOCA Study: Combination foscarnet and ganciclovir therapy vs monotherapy for the treatment of relapsed cytomegalovirus retinitis in patients with AIDS. Arch Ophthalmol 114:23-33, 1996.
- Peyman GA, Daun ME: In reply: Prophylaxis of endophthalmitis. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 27:83:1996.
- Greve MDJ, Peyman GA, Millsap CM: Relaxing retinotomy under perfluorocarbon liquid. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 27:154-155, 1996.
- Peyman GA: Perfluorocarbon liquids: applications in ophthalmology. Ocular Surgery News February 15, 1996: 47-48.
- Santos FF, Rodriguez de Turco EB, Gordon WC, Peyman GA, Bazan NG: Alterations in rabbit retina lipid metabolism induced by detachment: Decreased incorporation of [3H]DHA into phospholipids. Int Ophthalmol 19:149-159, 1996.
- Peyman GA: A pneumovitrector for diagnostic biopsy of the vitreous. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 27:246-247, 1996.
- Peyman GA, Moshfeghi DM, Moshfeghi AA, Khoobehi B: Fluorescent vesicle angiography with sodium fluorescein and indocyanine green. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 27:279-284, 1996.
- Bassili SS, Peyman GA, Gebhardt BM, Daun M, Ganiban GJ, Rifai A: Detection of Epstein-Barr virus DNA by polymerase chain reaction in the vitreous from a patient with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease. Retina 16:160-161, 1996.
- Peyman GA, Yang D, Khoobehi B, Rahimy MH, Chin SY: In vitro evaluation of polymeric matrix and porous biodegradable reservoir for slow-release drug delivery. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 27:384-391, 1996.
- Kertes PJ, Peyman GA: A light pipe with a twist. Arch Ophthalmol 114:777-778, 1996.
- Peyman GA, Khoobehi B, Shaibani S, Shamsnia S, Ribeiro I: Fluorescent vesicle system for measurement of blood velocity in the choroidal vessels. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 27:459-466, 1996.
- SOCA Study: Assessment of cytomegalovirus retintiis: Clinical evaluation vs centralized grading of fundus photographs. Arch Ophthalmol 114:791-805, 1996.
- Wu AW, Coleson LC, Holbrook J, Jabs DA, SOCA Group: Measuring visual function and quality of life in patients with cytomegalovirus retinitis: Development of a questionnaire. Arch Ophthalmol 114:841-847, 1996.
- SOCA Study: Clinical vs photographic assessment of treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis: Foscarnet-ganciclovir cytomegalovirus retinitis trial report 8. Arch Ophthalmol 114:848-855, 1996.
- Peyman GA: In reply: Excimer laser in situ keratomileusis under a corneal flap for myopia of 2 to 20 diopters (letter). Am J Ophthalmol 122:284-285, 1996.
- Wafapoor H, Peyman GA: Un nuevo instrumento (pinzas/tijeras) para el pelado y segmentación de la membrana prerretiniana. Arch Ophthalmol (ed. Española) 7:167, 1996.
- Wafapoor H, Peyman GA: A new instrument (forceps/scissors) for preretinal membrane peeling, segmentation. Arch Ophthalmol (ed. Indian) 3:479, 1996.
- Luo Q, Peyman GA, Conway MD, Woltering EA: Effect of a somatostatin analog (octreotide acetate) on the growth of retinal pigment epithelial cells in culture. Curr Eye Res 15:909-913, 1996.
- Peyman GA: Endophthalmitis Vitrectomy Study (EVS): A different point of view (letter to the editor). Achivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmologia 71:205-208, 1996.
- Immonen I, Viherkoski E, Peyman GA: Experimental retinal and ciliary body photocoagulation using a new 670-nm diode laser. Am J Ophthalmol 122:870-874, 1996.
- Kizhakkethara I, Li X, El-Sayed S, Khoobehi B, Moshfeghi D, Rahimy M, Peyman GA: Noninvasive monitoring of intraocular pharmacokinetics of daunorubicin using fluorophotometry. Int Ophthalmol 19:363-367, 1996.
- Peyman GA, Soheilian M, Luo Q, Moshfeghi D, Schweighardt FK: Intravitreal tolerance of a novel perfluorocarbon vitreous replacement, Multifluor APF-144. Can J Ophthalmol 31:345-349, 1996.
- Modarres M, Mirsamadi M, Peyman GA:; Prevalence of congenital color deficiencies in secondary-school students in Tehran. Int Ophthalmol 20:221-222, 1996.
- Soheilian M, Peyman GA, Wafapoor H, Navarro GC, Thompson H, the Vitreon Study Group: Surgical management of traumatic retinal detachment with perfluorocarbon liquid. Int Ophthalmol 20:241-249, 1996.
- Peyman GA, Moshfeghi DM, Moshfeghi A, Khoobehi B, Doiron DR, Crean DH. The effect of light-activating tin ethyl etiopurpurin (SnET2) on normal rabbit choriocapillaries. SPIE Proc 2673:174-181, 1996.
- Molinari LC, Peyman GA: Guia prático para o manejo da endoftalmite. Rev Bras Oftalmol 55:7-13, 1996.
- Liang C, Peyman GA, Federman J: Ocular toxicity of intravitreous transforming growth factor-beta 1. Eye 10 (Pt 6):709-713, 1996.
- Studies of Ocular Complications of AIDS Research Group in Collaboration with the AIDS Clinical Trials Group: Parenteral cidofovir for cytomegalovirus retinitis in patients with AIDS: The HPMPC peripheral cytomegalovirus retinitis trial. Ann Intern Med 126:264-274, 1997.
- Peyman GA, Moshfeghi DM, Moshfeghi A, Khoobehi B, Primbs GB, Doiron DR, Crean DH: Photodynamic therapy for choriocapillaris using tin ethyl etiopurpurin (SnET2). Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 28:409-417, 1997.
- Liang C, Peyman GA, Conway MD, Woltering EA: Retinal toxicity of intravitreous octreotide in rabbits. Can J Ophthalmol 32:229-232, 1997.
- Peyman GA: Transscleral argon-krypton laser coagulation (letter). Surv Ophthalmol 41:505, 1997.
- Peyman GA, Conway MD, Duker JS, Dunn JP, Engstrom RE: The ganciclovir implant for CMV retinitis. EyeWorld March 18-23, 1997.
- Studies of Ocular Complications of AIDS (SOCA) in collaboration with the AIDS Clinical Trial Group: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) culture results, drug resistance, and clinical outcome in patients with AIDS and CMV retinitis treated with foscarnet or ganciclovir. J Infect Dis 1997;176:50-58.
- Studies of Ocular Complications of AIDS (SOCA) Research Group in collaboration with the AIDS Clinical Trial Group: Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in patients with cytomegalovirus retinitis: The Foscarnet-Ganciclovir Cytomegalovirus Retinitis Trial. Am J Ophthalmol 124:61-70, 1997.
- Kertes PJ, Wafapoor H, Peyman GA, Calixto N Jr, Thompson H, Vitreon Collaborative Study Group: The management of giant retinal tears using perfluoroperhydrophenanthrene: A multicenter case series. Ophthalmology 104:1159-1165, 1997.
- Studies of Ocular Complications of AIDS Research Group in collaboration with the AIDS Clinical Trials Group: Foscarnet-Ganciclovir Cytomegalovirus Retinitis Trial: 5. Clinical features of cytomegalovirus retinitis at diagnosis. Am J Ophthalmol 124:141-157, 1997.
- Peyman GA, Kertes PJ, Easley J: A new light source for vitreous surgery. Retina 17:466-467, 1997.
- Khoobehi B, Shoelson B, Zhang Y-Z, Peyman GA: Fluorescent microsphere imaging: A particle-tracking approach to the hemodynamic assessment of the retina and choroid. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 28:937-947, 1997.
- The Studies of Ocular Complications of AIDS Research Group in Collaboration With the AIDS Clinical Trials Group: MSL-109 adjuvant therapy for cytomegalovirus retinitis in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Arch Ophthalmol 115:1528-1536, 1997.
- Niesman MR, Miceli MV, Peyman GA: Liposome uptake by human retinal pigment epithelial cells in culture. Curr Eye Res 16:1073-1080, 1997.
- Kertes PJ, Peyman GA: Drainage of subretinal fluid under silicone oil. Can J Ophthalmol 32:445-446, 1997.
- Kertes PJ, Peyman GA: Removal of a silicone-Perfluoron bubble. Can J Ophthalmol 32:446-447, 1997.
- Meffert SA, Kertes PJ, Lim PL, Conway MD, Peyman GA: Successful treatment of progressive outer retinal necrosis using high-dose intravitreal ganciclovir. Retina 17:560-562, 1997.
- Peyman GA: In reply: Experimental vitreous and aqueous replacement with perfluorophenanthrene. Retina 17:562-563, 1997.
- Soheilian M, Karimian F, Javadi MA, Sajjadi H, Ahmadieh H, Azarmina M, Valaee N, Rahmani B, Peyman GA: Surgical management of cataract and posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation in Fuchs’ heterochromic iridocyclitis. Int Ophthalmol 21:137-141, 1997.
- Kertes KJ, Peyman GA: Management of dry retinal folds. Int Ophthalmol 21:53-55, 1997.
- Peyman GA, Daun M, Greve MDJ, Yang D, Wafapoor H, Rifai A: Surgical closure of macular hole using an absorbable macular plug. Int Ophthalmol 21:87-91, 1997.
- Crawford PM Jr, Conway MD, Peyman GA: Trauma-induced Acinetobacter lwoffi endophthalmitis with multi-organism recurrence: Strategies with intravitreal treatment. Eye 11 (Pt 6):863-4, 1997.
- Photodynamic therapy for choriocapillaris using tin ethyl etiopurpurin (SnET2).Peyman GA, Moshfeghi DM, Moshfeghi A, Khoobehi B, Doiron DR, Primbs GB, Crean DH.Ophthalmic Surg Lasers. 1997 May;28(5):409-17.PMID:9150524[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]Related citations
- Liang C, Peyman GA, Sun G: Toxicity of intraocular lidocaine and bupivacaine. Am J Ophthalmol 125:191-196, 1998.
- Peyman GA: Intraocular drug delivery and treatment of endophthalmitis [interview]. EyeWorld 3:35-37, 1998.
- Kertes PJ, Peyman GA, Chou F, Meffert S, Conway MD: The use of tissue plasminogen activator in silicone oil-filled eyes. Can J Ophthalmol 33:28-29, 1998.
- Peyman GA, Martinez CE, Hew A, Peralta E, Kraut RJ: Endoresection of ciliary body leiomyoma. Can J Ophthalmol 33:32-34, 1998.
- Peyman GA: Surgical anastomosis promising for ischemic CRVO [interview]. EyeWorld 3:11, 1998.
- Peyman G, Chow AY, Liang C, Chow VY, Perlman JI, Peachey NS: Subretinal semiconductor microphotodiode array. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 29:234-241, 1998.
- Peyman GA, Peralta E, Ganiban GJ, Kraut R: Endoresection of iris and ciliary body in epithelial downgrowth: A case report. J Cataract Refract Surg 24:130-133, 1998.
- Peyman GA, Khoobehi B, Moshfeghi A, Sonmez S, Moshfeghi D, Shaibani S, Alghadyan A: Blood velocity in an experimental iris tumor. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 29:506-509, 1998.
- Peyman GA, Khoobehi B, Moshfeghi A, Moshfeghi D: Reversal of blood flow in experimental branch retinal vein occlusion. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 29:595-597, 1998.
- Modarres M, Parvaresh MM, Hashemi M, Peyman GA: Inadvertent globe perforation during retrobulbar injection in high myopes. Int Ophthalmol 21:179-185, 1998.
- Koziol JE, Peyman GA: Intraocular lenses in visual rehabilitation of patients with macular disease. In: Kwitko ML, (ed). The History of Modern Cataract Surgery. Kugler Publications, Amsterdam/New York, pp 209-218, 1998.
- Moshfeghi DM, Peyman GA, Moshfeghi AA, Khoobehi B, Primbs GB, Crean DH: Ocular vascular thrombosis following PurlytinTM-photodynamic therapy: Time dependencies. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 29:663-668, 1998.
- Kertes PJ, Johnson JC, Peyman GA: Internal resection of posterior uveal melanoma. Br J Ophthalmol 82:1147-1153, 1998.
- Modarres M, Parvaresh MM, Peyman GA: Accidental subretinal injection of triamcinolone acetonide: A case report. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 29:935-938, 1998.
- Ribeiro I, Liang C, Peyman GA: Retinal toxicity of ceftazidime in the infusion fluid for vitrectomy in the rabbit eye. Arq Bras Oftalmol 61:395-398, 1998.
- Liang C, Peyman GA, Serracarbassa P, Calixto N, Chow AA, Rao P: An evaluation of methylated collagen as a substitute for vitreous and aqueous humor. Int Ophthalmol 22:13-18, 1998.
- Serracarbassa PD, Peyman GA, Calixto N Jr, Liang C, Nair MG: Toxicity and efficacy of intravitreal injection of spartanamicin B in the treatment of Candida endophthalmitis. Int Ophthalmol 22:53-58, 1998.
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- Liang C, Peyman GA, Sönmez M, Molinari LC: Experimental prophylaxis of Staphylococcus aureus endophthalmitis after vitrectomy: The use of antibiotics in irrigating solution. Retina 19:223-229, 1999.
- Liang C, Peyman GA: Tolerance of extended-term vitreous replacement with perfluoro-n-octane and perfluoroperhydrophenanthrene mixture (Phenoctane). Retina 19:230-237, 1999.
- Conway MD, Peyman GA, Recasens M: Intravitreal tPA and SF6 promote clearing of premacular subhyaloid hemorrhages in shaken and battered baby syndrome. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 30:435-41, 1999.
- Mori K, Yoneya S, Ohta M, Sano A, Anzai K, Peyman GA, Moshfeghi DM: Angiographic and histologic effects of fundus photodynamic therapy with a hydrophilic sensitizer (Mono-L-aspartyl chlorin e6). Ophthalmology 106:1384-1391, 1999.
- Wafapoor H, Kertes PJ, Navarro GC, Peyman GA, Ganiban GJ, Vierling S: The adjunctive use of perfluoroperhydrophenanthrene (Vitreon) in diabetic vitrectomy. Int Ophthalmol 22:89-96, 1999.
- Martinez CE, Zhang D, Conway MD, Peyman GA: Successful management of ocular toxoplasmosis during pregnancy using combined intraocular clindamycin and dexamethasone with systemic sulfadiazine. Int Ophthalmol 22:85-88, 1999.
- Meffert S, Peyman GA, Vitreon Study Group: Intraoperative complications of perfluoroperhydrophenanthrene: Subretinal perfluorocarbon, retinal slippage and residual perfluorocarbon. Can J Ophthalmol 34:272-280, 1999.
- Peyman GA, Kishore K, Conway MD: Surgical chorioretinal venous anastomosis for ischemic central retinal vein occlusion. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 30:605-614, 1999.
- Peyman GA, Conway MD, Recasens MA, Peralta E, Kertes PJ, Greve MDJ, El-Dessouky ES: Use of a macular buckle in the treatment of exudative age-related macular degeneration. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 30:619-630, 1999.
- Liang C, Peyman GA, Molinari LC, Hegazy HM: Prophylaxis of experimental Pseudomonas aeruginosa endophthalmitis after vitrectomy using ceftazidime in the infusion fluid. Int Ophthalmol 22:163-167, 1999.
- Unal M, Peyman GA, Liang C, Hegazy H, Molinari LC, Chen J, Brun S, Tarcha PJ: Ocular toxicity of intravitreal clarithromycin. Retina 19:442-446, 1999.
- Moshfeghi D, Peyman GA, Kazi AA, Unal M, Khoobehi B, Yoneya S, Mori K: Fluorescence properties of a hydrophilic sensitizer in pigmented rats, rabbits, and monkeys. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 30:750-753, 1999.
- Daneshvar H, Kertes PJ, Leonard BC, Peyman GA: Management of submacular hemorrhage with intravitreal sulfur hexafluoride: a pilot study. Can J Ophthalmol 24:385-8, 1999.
- Hegazy HM, Peyman GA, Liang C, Unal MH, Molinari LC, Kazi AA: Use of perfluorocarbon liquids, silicone oil, and 5-fluorouracil in the management of experimental PVR. Int Ophthalmol 22:239-46,1998-99.
- Hegazy HM, Kivilcim M, Peyman GA, Unal MH, Liang C, Molinari LC, Kazi AA: Evaluation of toxicity of intravitreal ceftazidime, vancomycin, and ganciclovir in a silicone oil-filled eye. Retina 19:553-557, 1999.
- Chow AY, Chow VY, Pardue MT, Peyman GA, Liang C, Perlman JI, Peachey NS: The semiconductor-based microphotodiode array artificial silicon retina. Proc 1999 Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics. 1999:4:IV404-IV408.
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- Kazi AA, Peyman GA, Unal M, Khoobehi B, Yoneya S, Mori K, Moshfeghi DM, Moshfeghi AA: Threshold power levels for NPe6 photodynamic therapy. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 31:136-142, 2000.
- Unal M, Peyman GA: The efficacy of plasmin-urokinase combination in inducing posterior vitreous detachment (PVD). Retina 20:69-75, 2000.
- Peyman GA, Kazi AA, Moshfeghi D, Unal M, Khoobehi B, Yoneya S, Mori K, Rivera I: Threshold and retreatment parameters of NPe6 photodynamic therapy in retinal and choroidal vessels. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 31:323-327, 2000.
- Peyman GA, Cheema R, Conway MD, Fang T: Triamcinolone acetonide as an aid to visualization of the vitreous and the posterior hyaloid during pars plana vitrectomy. Retina 20:554-555, 2000.
- Kivilcim M, Peyman GA, El-Dessouky ES, Kazi AA, Cheema R, Hegazy H: Retinal toxicity of triamcinolone acetonide in silicone-filled eyes. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 31:474-478, 2000.
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- Chow AY, Pardue MT, Chow VY, Peyman GA, Liang C, Perlman JI, Peachey NS: Implantation of silicon chip microphotodiode arrays into the cat subretinal space. IEEE Trans Rehabilitation Engineering 9:86-95, 2001.
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- Peyman GA, Cheema RA, Lagouros PA: Endoresection of a cilio-choroidal melanoma. Can J Ophthalmol 36:411-415, 2001.
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- Peyman GA, Alghadyan AA, Fenton J: Tumor resection. In: Peyman GA, Meffert SA, Conway MD, Chou F (eds): Vitreoretinal Surgical Techniques. London, Martin Dunitz Ltd, 2001, pp 391-402.
- Conway MD, Peyman GA: Management of endophthalmitis. In: Peyman GA, Meffert SA, Conway MD, Chou F (eds): Vitreoretinal Surgical Techniques. London, Martin Dunitz Ltd, 2001, pp 487-505.
- Kraut RJ, Peyman GA: Foveal translocation. In: Peyman GA, Meffert SA, Conway MD, Chou F (eds): Vitreoretinal Surgical Techniques. London, Martin Dunitz Ltd, 2001, pp 543-549.
- Peyman GA, Recasens MA, Conway MD: Macular buckle in exudative age-related macular degeneration. In: Peyman GA, Meffert SA, Conway MD, Chou F (eds): Vitreoretinal Surgical Techniques. London, Martin Dunitz Ltd, 2001, pp 551-553.
- Moshfeghi DM, Peyman GA: Photodynamic therapy. In: Peyman GA, Meffert SA, Conway MD, Chou F (eds): Vitreoretinal Surgical Techniques. London, Martin Dunitz Ltd, 2001, pp 565-569.
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- Cheema RA, Peyman GA, Conway MD: In: Peyman GA, Meffert SA, Conway MD, Chou F (eds): Vitreoretinal Surgical Techniques. London, Martin Dunitz Ltd, 2001, pp 583-585.
- Peyman GA, Cheema RA, Fang T, Conway MD: In: Peyman GA, Meffert SA, Conway MD, Chou F (eds): Vitreoretinal Surgical Techniques. London, Martin Dunitz Ltd, 2001, pp 587-588.
- Kishore K, Peyman GA: In: Peyman GA, Meffert SA, Conway MD, Chou F (eds): Vitreoretinal Surgical Techniques. London, Martin Dunitz Ltd, 2001, pp 589-592.
- Soheilian M, Rafati N, Peyman GA: Prophylaxis of acute posttraumatic bacterial endophthalmitis with or without combined intraocular antibiotics: A prospective, double-masked randomized pilot study. Int Ophthalmol 24:323-330, 2001.
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- Peyman GA, Canakis C, Livir-Rallatos C, Easley J: A new wide-angle endoillumination probe for use during vitrectomy. Retina 22:242, 2002.
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- Moshfeghi AA, Peyman GA: Intraocular gases. In: Boyd BJ, Boyd S, Drews RC (eds). In: Retinal and Vitreoretinal Surgery: Mastering the Latest Techniques. Panama, Republic of Panama: Highlights of Ophthalmology International, 2002, pp 129-140.
- Peyman GA: Technological advances in refractive surgery: an overview. In: Schutyser K, Edwards B. Hospital Healthcare Europe 2002/2003: The Official HOPE Reference Book. Campden Publishing Limited, 2002, T59-T61.
- Genaidy M, Kazi AA, Peyman GA, Passos-Machado E, Farahat HG, Williams JI, Holroyd KJ, Blake DA: Effect of squalamine on iris neovascularization in monkeys. Retina 22:772-778, 2002.
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- Holbrook JT, Jabs DA, Weinberg DV, Lewis RA, Davis MD, Friedberg D, for the Studies of Ocular Complications of AIDS (SOCA) Research Group. Visual loss in patients with cytomegalovirus retinitis and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome before widespread availability of highly active antiretroviral therapy. Arch Ophthalmol 121:99-107, 2003.
- Peyman GA, Canakis C, Livir-Rallatos, Whalen P: Small-size pediatric vitrectomy wide-angle contact lens. Am J Ophthalmol 135:236-237, 2003.
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- Men G, Peyman GA, Kuo P-C, Bezerra Y, Ghahramani F, Naaman G, Livir-Rallatos C, Lee PJ: The role of scleral buckle in experimental posterior penetrating eye injury. Retina 23:202-208, 2003.
- Peyman G, Conway M, Bezerra Y, Lewis J, Anthony C, Woltering E. ARMD management challenges. 14th Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology. Madrid, Spain. June 7-12, 2003. Bologna, Italy: Monduzzi Editore. 2003:1-8.
- Mori K, Moshfeghi DM, Peyman GA, Yoneya S: Controversial aspects of photodynamic therapy. In: Fankhauser F, Kwasniewska S, eds. Lasers in Ophthalmology — Basic, Diagnostic and Surgical Aspects. The Hague, The Netherlands, Kugler Publications, 2003, pp 217-227.
- Canakis C, Livir-Rallatos C, Panayiotis Z, Livir-Rallatos G, Persidis E, Conway MD, Peyman GA: Ocular photodynamic therapy for serous macular detachment in the diffuse retinal pigment epitheliopathy variant of idiopathic central serous chorioretinopathy. Am J Ophthalmol 136:750-752, 2003.
- Soheilian M, Koochek A, Yazdani S, Peyman GA: Transvitreal optic neuropathy for nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy. Retina 23:692-697, 2003.
- Vincent JM, Peyman GA, Ratnakaram R: Bilateral ulnar decubitus as a complication of macular hole surgery. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 34:485-486, 2003.
- Khoobehi B, Peyman GA, Carnahan LG, Hayes RL: A novel approach for freeze-frame video determination of volumetric blood flow in the rat retina. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 34:505-513, 2003.
- Landers MB III, Peyman GA, Wessels IF, Whalen P, Morales V. A new, non-contact wide-field viewing system for vitreous surgery. Am J Ophthalmol 13:199-201, 2003.
- Lee PJ, Peyman GA: Visualization of the retinal and choroidal microvasculature by fluorescent liposomes. In: Düzgünes N, ed. Liposomes, Part C. Methods in Enzymology. Vol 373. San Diego: Academic Press, 2003, pp 214-233.
- Peyman GA, Genaidy M, Yoneya S, Men G, Ghahramani F, Kuo P-C, Bezerra Y, Nishiyama-Ito Y, Moshfeghi AA: Transpupillary thermotherapy threshold parameters: Effect of indocyanine green pretreatment. Retina 23:278-386, 2003.
- Peyman GA, Genaidy M, Moshfeghi DM, Ghahramani F, Yoneya S, Men G, Kuo PC, Bezerra Y, Nishiyama-Ito Y: Transpupillary thermotherapy threshold parameters: Funduscopic, angiographic, and histologic findings in pigmented and nonpigmented rabbits. Retina 23:371-377, 2003.
- Men G, Peyman GA, Kuo P-C, Ghahramani F, Canakis C, Ratnakaram R, Bezerra Y: The effect of intraoperative retinal manipulation on the underlying retinal pigment epithelium: An experimental study. Retina 23:475-480, 2003.
- Lee PJ, Ratnakaram R, Peyman GA: ARMD, retinal electronic prosthesis and RPE transplantation. eMedicine Journal 4:(12), 2003.
- Ocular photodynamic therapy for serous macular detachment in the diffuse retinal pigment epitheliopathy variant of idiopathic central serous chorioretinopathy.Canakis C, Livir-Rallatos C, Panayiotis Z, Livir-Rallatos G, Persidis E, Conway MD, Peyman GA.Am J Ophthalmol. 2003 Oct;136(4):750-2.PMID:14516825[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]Related citations
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- Chow AY, Chow VY, Packo KH, Pollack JS, Peyman GA, Schuchard R: The artificial silicon retina microchip for the treatment of vision loss from retinitis pigmentosa. Arch Ophthalmol 122:460-469, 2004.
- Canakis C, Conway MD, Livir-Rallatos C, Naaman GJ, Ratnakaram R, Men G, Peyman GA: Ocular photodynamic therapy in choroidal neovascularization complicating idiopathic central serous chorioretinopathy. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 35:168-171, 2004.
- Men G, Peyman GA, Genaidy M, Kuo PC, Ghahramani F, Blake DA, Bezerra Y, Naaman G, Figueiredo E: The role of recombinant lysine-plasminogen and recombinant urokinase and sulfur hexafluoride combination in inducing posterior vitreous detachment. Retina 24:199-209, 2004.
- Kuo PC, Peyman GA, Men G, Bezerra Y, Torres F: The effect of indocyanine green pretreatment on the parameters of transscleral diode laser thermotherapy-induced threshold coagulation of the ciliary body. Lasers Surg Med 35:157-162, 2004.
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- Peyman GA, Beyer CF, Bezerra Y, Vincent JM, Arosemena A, Friedlander MH, Hoffmann L, Kangeler J, Roussau D: Photoablative inlay laser in situ keratomileusis (PAI-LASIK) in the rabbit model. J Cataract Refract Surg 31:389-397, 2005.
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- Bezerra Y, Fuselier JA, Peyman GA, Oner H, Drouant G, Coy DH: Study of inhibitory effects of an antiangiogenic somatostatin-camptothecin conjugate on laser-induced choroidal neovascularization in rats. Retina 25:345-354, 2005.
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- Moshfeghi AA, Peyman GA: Micro- and nanoparticulates. Adv Drug Deliv Rev 57:2057-2052, 2005.
- Ito Y, Mori K, Takita H, Sodeyama T, Anzai K, Imai D, Shibuya M, Moshfeghi DM, Yoneya S, Peyman GA: Transpupillary thermotherapy: Effect of wavelength on normal primate retina. Retina 25:1046-1053, 2005.
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- Ito YN, Ito M, Takita H, Yoneya S, Peyman GA, Gelhbach PL, Mori K. Transpupillary thermotherapy-induced modification of angiogenesis- and coagulation-related gene expression in the rat posterior fundus. Mol Vis 12:802-810, 2006.
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- Peyman GA, DellaCroce JT, Ebrahim SA: Removal of submacular exudates in a patient with Coats’ disease: A case report. Retina 26:836-839, 2006.
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- Kivilcim M, Peyman GA, Kazi AA, DellaCroce JT, Ghabrial RN, Manzano R: Intravitreal toxicity of high-dose etanercept. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther 23:57-62, 2007.
- Trost LW, Kivilcim M, Peyman GA, Aydin E, Kazi AA: The effect of intravitreally injected povidone-iodine on Staphylococcus epidermidis in rabbit eyes. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther 23:70-77, 2007.
- Kanavi MR, Soheilian M, Peyman GA: Ciliary body leiomyoma with atypical features. Can J Ophthalmol 42:336-337, 2007.
- Mori K, Kanai K, Peyman GA, Yoneya S: Intraocular biodistribution of Mono-L-aspartyl chlorin e6 in a primate choroidal neovascularization model. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 38:142-147, 2007.
- Soheilian M, Tavallali A, Peyman GA: Identification of retinal neovascularization by high-speed indocyanine green angiography in idiopathic perifoveal telangiectasia. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 38:167-169, 2007.
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- Peyman GA: History of LASIK, Ophthalmology 114:1414, 2007.
- Faghihi H, Hajizadeh F, Mohammadi SF, Kadkhoda A, Peyman GA, Riazi-Esfahani M. Pars plana Ahmed valve implant and vitrectomy in the management of neovascular glaucoma. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 38:292-300, 2007.
- Cheema RA, Peyman GA, Fang-Suarez T, Jones A, Lukaris AD, Lim K: Triamcinolone acetonide as an adjuvant in the surgical treatment of retinal detachment with proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging 38:365-370, 2007.
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- Ito M, Murayama K, Deguchi T, Takasu M, Gil T, Araie M, Peyman G, Yoneya S: Oxygen saturation levels in the juxta-papillary retina in eyes with glaucoma. Exp Eye Res 86:512-518, 2008.
- Peyman GA,Sanders DR, Batlle JF, Feliz R, Cabrera G. Cyclosporine 0.05% ophthalmic preparation to aid recoevery from loss of corneal sensitivity after LASIK. J Refract Surg 24:337-343, 2008.
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[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
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868.Soheilian M, Rabbanikhah Z, Ramezani A, Kiavash V, Yaseri M, Peyman GA.
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[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]